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New Pixel, C/C?


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k heres what id do to fix the stream




1)grab ur birdy n worm section and slide it down




2)about at the bottom of your name make a horizon line and make that stream wander of in the distance while keeping a little perspective (aka /\ not || all the way) also if you point the stream to a seperation the mountains while having it wind on it will make your character a little more relaxed so she isnt lookin like shes sitting against a wall








here i apologize for chopping up your image but this will help explain a lil better












as for the shading, if you start off lighter and work your way darker towards the hoizion i think youll find what your looking for-good luck :)





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maybe add some rocks or reeds into the pond atm it looks a bit boring..








P.S grats on TF leader rank :wink:








thanks :P








I don't think reeds and rocks will work, since they're more bank types of objects, I need more, middle of the pond objects.

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waterfall huh....Lets never speak of that again.








Here is some suggestion, extend the water fall to make it looks like a water fall. And the water shoudn't be that quiet....look at google image for some help.












Turn the green part above the red into a rocky part. (again, look at google for the texture) So it looks more like a water fall. I geuss you don't like rocks , add some flowers or plants on it.








If the rest of the green part looks plain to you..Add flowers?? Butterflies don't hang around in places with no flowers.

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oh nooo look out a shark in the water 8) Hehe. Its pretty good sig, i like it. Wut i like about it the most is that it gives you that cozy, peaceful feeling, u know wut i mean? Even though it may look a bit flat like everyone else said, i think it will look really really REALLY good if you fix it, and it looks kind of good now.But hey, thats wut this forum is for :lol:








Keep up the good work.

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