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What high lvl monster should me and my friend fight?


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We're trying to find a higher lvl monster with good drops to double team. My friend is the higher lvl and he usually attacks first. We did the giant mole for a while but you spend more time chasing that stupid thing than killing it. It has to be multicombat too. And it can't be a dragon because most of those arent multicombat and besides i use full verac's so no shields allowed. Thanks for any help.

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My friend and I*




And at your level, you cant really kill much other than the mole...




Yea im starting to notice that :|


Awesome sig btw i love that movie


Not to worry though, keep training and you'll be hitting the big ones in no time at all! :thumbsup:


And I know... isn't it just the BEST!?

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My friend and I*




And at your level, you cant really kill much other than the mole...




Yea im starting to notice that :|


Awesome sig btw i love that movie


Not to worry though, keep training and you'll be hitting the big ones in no time at all! :thumbsup:


And I know... isn't it just the BEST!?






Yep definitley is. Do you have any recommendations on what to train on? I know about experiments and rock crabs but those can get over crowded sometimes.

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My friend and I*




And at your level, you cant really kill much other than the mole...




Yea im starting to notice that :|


Awesome sig btw i love that movie


Not to worry though, keep training and you'll be hitting the big ones in no time at all! :thumbsup:


And I know... isn't it just the BEST!?


omg too many V's in your sig and btw whats the movie i want to watch it



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My friend and I*




And at your level, you cant really kill much other than the mole...




Yea im starting to notice that :|


Awesome sig btw i love that movie


Not to worry though, keep training and you'll be hitting the big ones in no time at all! :thumbsup:


And I know... isn't it just the BEST!?


omg too many V's in your sig and btw whats the movie i want to watch it






Its called V for Vendeta(spelling?) If you watch it will will understand the V's

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Well, since you said you use full veracs I instantly thought of the Kalphite Queen (KQ) which basically meets all the criteria you and your friend are looking for (multi-combat, easy to team in groups of 2, and considering all the new monsters to hunt like in GWD its "old school" and not hugely crowded....although I may be wrong on this, haven't been a mem for a lil while).




An excellent guide for killing the KQ is here: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=kalphite_queen.htm




And for other monster hunting ideas try here: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=monster_hunting.htm




And you can always find other advice in the Archive of Wisdom




(Yes I love tip.it and their great guides <3: )




Like you've already realized your stats are kinda low for monster hunting (or at least efficient monster hunting) so places to train...well like I've said haven't been a mem' for a while and I suggest checking other peoples guides (plenty of advice there). Green Dragons come to mind (decent profit too), yaks, and I remember this little spot near the Gnome Stronghold with hill giants that is empty (kinda far from a bank, but with decent def and summoning/good food you can last quite a while and can get some prayer xp too, big bones ftw! :thumbsup: )

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