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Unfair bh worlds


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One I'm lazy, two I don't feel like editing previous posts, three I only waste my time with grammar on good forums (Rants are not included in the is group), so will you stfu if you dont have any constructivecriticism to give.




Oh, you want constructive criticism? Here, let me help.




1) Bring food for after a fight so you don't get PJed to death.


2) Bring armor for after a fight so you don't get PJed to death.


3) If you're that sick of getting PJed to death, then stop PKing.


4) Learn to use a spacebar and somewhat proper grammar, people will appreciate it.




Oh, and for something probably a little less constructive: Way to avoid the censor, you jerk. Keep doing that, see if it does you any good.




Also, what are these lies about the rants forum not being a "good" forum? Sure, we rip each other to shreds here, but at least we can do it legibly. If you want to write like that and have people understand it, go to the RSOF and stop bothering us.

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One I'm lazy, two I don't feel like editing previous posts, three I only waste my time with grammar on good forums (Rants are not included in the is group), so will you stfu if you dont have any constructivecriticism to give.


im to lazy to giv u consturctive critiscim lol also lrn2spk english




Why should we make an effort when you don't?




Sure, we rip each other to shreds here, but at least we can do it legibly.


[hide=LOL WUT]lolwut.jpg?t=1244555526[/hide]

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One I'm lazy, two I don't feel like editing previous posts, three I only waste my time with grammar on good forums (Rants are not included in the is group), so will you stfu if you dont have any constructivecriticism to give.


im to lazy to giv u consturctive critiscim lol also lrn2spk english




Why should we make an effort when you don't?




Sure, we rip each other to shreds here, but at least we can do it legibly.


[hide=LOL WUT]lolwut.jpg?t=1244555526[/hide]


What the hell, man? That's MY schtick!



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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The purpose of this rant is to pass responsibility. You weren't prepared. Either you didn't know the risks (which means you've been ignoring the warnings) or you simply weren't well equipped to handle them. Either way, your own fault.




Side note: Ratchet et al, do you really think it's fair to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed individual?

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid is forever.

Private chat on, give me a hyt!

It should not be necessary to say it, but today it is: anyone who wants to be understood has to make damn sure that he has made himself intelligible.

Who is John Galt?

News commentary without a political agenda.

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The purpose of this rant is to pass responsibility. You weren't prepared. Either you didn't know the risks (which means you've been ignoring the warnings) or you simply weren't well equipped to handle them. Either way, your own fault.




Side note: Ratchet et al, do you really think it's fair to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed individual?


Oh my God, greatest first post EVER. Seriously.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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The purpose of this rant is to pass responsibility. You weren't prepared. Either you didn't know the risks (which means you've been ignoring the warnings) or you simply weren't well equipped to handle them. Either way, your own fault.




Side note: Ratchet et al, do you really think it's fair to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed individual?




Love me some Tabby. <3:




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The purpose of this rant is to pass responsibility. You weren't prepared. Either you didn't know the risks (which means you've been ignoring the warnings) or you simply weren't well equipped to handle them. Either way, your own fault.




Side note: Ratchet et al, do you really think it's fair to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed individual?




Great first post, and loving your signature too.




But in response to the side note, if Ratchet didn't get into a battle of wits with unarmed individuals, they'd be swarming all over this forum. Sort of like.... picking up dog poo. The poo itself is defenseless, but if you don't pick it up, soon lots of it will accumulate, and... yeah..... (Gosh durnit they don't have a vomiting smiley! Ah well.)

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But in response to the side note, if Ratchet didn't get into a battle of wits with unarmed individuals, they'd be swarming all over this forum. Sort of like.... picking up dog poo. The poo itself is defenseless, but if you don't pick it up, soon lots of it will accumulate, and... yeah..... (Gosh durnit they don't have a vomiting smiley! Ah well.)




Thanks for the uh...image...2202_puking.gif




I'm stealing Omali's smiley thing for a sec here...

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You have a point about there should be more of a delay.


But damn your post was hard to make out what you were ranting about.




Wow 5 mins ago I killed my target, I got a corrupt dragon med helm and two plate bodys. I then got rushed, I would suggest jagex makes a 30 sec protection against people who pj right after a kill.


I'm am a noob lvl69 and that was a really lucky kill for me and I don't think that was fair. It takes me about 5 hours to make that kind of cash #-o


So much easier to read and took about 20 seconds to do.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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^^^Thanks for translating it.




Once again though, you are fighting in the wild and you should know the risks before you go out to fight. You got killed, so what? It's the wild. Even if it was a lucky kill that's what the wild does to you, it kills you. It doesn't matter if you are a low or a high level it's still the wild and everyone out there is sticking their neck on the line for something good. There shouldn't be a five or ten second time limit for you to run without getting attacked, because that makes it too easy.




And to think that people used to complain that there was NOT enough risk in the wild. :lol: Now people complain because there is too much!

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And to think that people used to complain that there was NOT enough risk in the wild. :lol: Now people complain because there is too much!




That's because the vocal pkers will never be happy. Ever.




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I am very sorry about the incorrect grammar, spelling and, punctuation on previous posts, I have fixed them. I would like to hear specifics on my idea such as the time the protection should last, what conditions should it occur and so on.

The game haha you lose

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I am very sorry about the incorrect grammar, spelling and, punctuation on previous posts, I have fixed them. I would like to hear specifics on my idea such as the time the protection should last, what conditions should it occur and so on.




Funny, you go from "You have birdbrains because you don't understand" to apologizing and fixing it. I don't think anyone's supporting the idea by the way. I personally think it takes away more danger from the wild.

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I am very sorry about the incorrect grammar, spelling and, punctuation on previous posts, I have fixed them. I would like to hear specifics on my idea such as the time the protection should last, what conditions should it occur and so on.




Funny, you go from "You have birdbrains because you don't understand" to apologizing and fixing it. I don't think anyone's supporting the idea by the way. I personally think it takes away more danger from the wild.




Dude... I was really pissed off. Thank you for your opinion though.

The game haha you lose

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