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Silly questions about skillcapes.


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Does the 'temporary boost' given by equipping a skill cape remain for the duration of the time one wears the cape?




Or does one have to 'operate' the cape every few minutes?




If one equips a skill cape before they lose their membership, does one still get the boost on F2P worlds?




I've been reading up on skill capes since I'm grinding for 99 WC. It gives me motivation. <3:




Just curious.

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You operate every minute and since its a "members item" in f2p you cant operate it.




This depresses me greatly.




lol it's just a one level boost! No big deal

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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You operate every minute and since its a "members item" in f2p you cant operate it.




This depresses me greatly.




I rarely ever operate a cape, if anything it is my magic cape so I am able to hit 20s with slayer dart.




Really operates are insignificant, also you'd probably be too busy beating away the level 20s coming up to you on f2p to operate often...

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You operate every minute and since its a "members item" in f2p you cant operate it.




This depresses me greatly.




lol it's just a one level boost! No big deal




The reason it depresses me is because I was under the impression, for some reason, that when a cape was equipped, the skill the cape represents would be 100/99 for the duration of the time the cape is worn.






...I just want the extra level. :lol:

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