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Agility 41 - 48


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Im doing RFD atm and an trying to get 48 agaility so i can do monkey madness. Honestly im not a fan of agility. I always feel like im getting nowhere with this skill. Mainly coz theres no reward or consequence once you complete a lap unlike most skills were you are rewarded or require to bank due to a full invent. What makes it worse is i play on a laptop and its harder to repeatively point and click round the course.Anyways whats the best way to train agility and to train it fast?





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I could not agree more about training agility and will do almost anything to avoid running around in circles for hours.




You can do the Chosen Commander quest at level 41 agility by using a summer pie to get to the 46 agility level you need during the quest. The reward includes 20k agility experience which will be a few levels for you.




Troll Romance is another good chunk of experience (8k) if you haven't done it yet.

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At 41 I'd say the Brimhaven Arena, but if you get hit by darts you might go below level 40. An easier option that would require many laps is the Barbarian Outpost course.


Signature by Unoalexi.

Tip.it's official signature picture of the quest-cape emote is me.

Fire cape owner since May 17, 2011

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At 41 I'd say the Brimhaven Arena, but if you get hit by darts you might go below level 40. An easier option that would require many laps is the Barbarian Outpost course.




I used to think that, but then I bought some cheap agility pots and leveled up 1000 times faster in Brimhaven. I recommend it, because assuming you take the pots and keep your agility level up (also, keep your hp below 20), you'll earn a ton more xp faster. And it's not mind numbingly boring like the Barbarian Outpost course.

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