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Into the Unknown


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Please be aware that this RPG will require a bit of reading, most of which probably won't apply to you. However it might so proceed at your own peril.




It is 2167. Seven years after the Ur-Quan conflict that ravaged known space. Six years since the last Slave Shield was brought down. Five years since a Republican was voted into high office and four years since a set of bizzare events, which were never thoughly explained, occured which brought all of the Kessarri races into our quadrant without upsetting any of the balances.




Now, finding yourself with nothing to do for the next five years, whether from being dumped, your family dying in a milk bottle related accident or simply because you owe money to someone, you have decided to sign up on a cargo frigate, bound for the other side of the star map.






But to be honest, it has been rather rubbish so far. The captain is neurotic, not even letting you see the other members of crew, installing shower curtains around all of the terminals. The food machine can't make coffee and you are pretty sure you left the oven on. Then, on top of this, the worst six hours of your life, the airlock malfunctioned and the captain got sucked out.




To anyone reading this they might think that your life thus far has been pretty funny, but as you stand there, looking at the airlock; wondering if it is going to suck you out as well, you feel that you have lost your only friend in the universe. But, whether by the kind hands of fate, or more likely because a ship can't run on two people, there are others standing behind shower curtains all around you....and everyone else is feeling the same way as you; just wishing it was them out there.


Unfortunately there is no time for that, the ship has registered pressure on the airlock, as though someone was trying to get back in and you are confronted with your first choice...Do you open the outer door in the hopes of rescuing whoever it is, or do you fire the lasers and get rid of the pest!?




This is a roleplay that combines the massive amount stats, pictures and back story, with fun, excitement and most of all, adventure. Feel free to begin whenever you are ready




[hide=]Characters can be found here:




History can be found here:




Map of the Ship:




Stats of ship:




MR -3


DF 1


Compartments 9 ((Turrets(2), Turret Controls(4), Command(5), Hyperdrive(6), PDL(7), Engine Control(9)) Getting hit may damage or even destroy one of the systems, a destroyed system cannot be used until it is fixed.)


Primary 3d*2 SR (Turret Attack-3 Batt each)


Secondary 7d*2 SR (Super Charged Turret Attack-14 Batt each)


Tertiary 4d PBAA (Point Defence Laser-10 Batt)


Battery 60


Regen 6[/hide]

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Being fairly sure that I've seen that Wiki somewhere before...




You want us to just make stuff (stats) up or use the GURPS stuff? I'ma play a Syreen I guess.

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Yeah we have talked about it before.




To be honest I spent so long editing the picture that I ran out of time.




Characers to be done ala




[hide=]Harold Thiamon




Human Esper


Harold was designed to be similar to a PsiCorps agent from Babylon 5. He can't command a Cruiser, but such matters are beneath him anyway.




ST 9, DX 11, IQ 15, HT 9


Basic Speed 5, Move 5


Dodge 5




Quirks: Thinks music peaked in 1963; Hates overly cheerful people; Dislikes religion; Telepathically shouts at people who annoy him; Not bothered by the presence of Arilou.




Advantages: Telepathy Power 7 (15 yards), ESP power 4 (16 inches), Common Sense, Alertness +1.




Disadvantages: Primitive (TL9), Odious Personal Habit (Psionic radiations make people unsettled for a -1 reaction), Lazy, Minor Delusion (Telepaths are superior beings), Curious, Overconfident.




Psi Skills: Psi sense-14, Telesend-15, Telerecieve-15, Telecontrol-14, Mind Shield-14, Clairvoyance-14, Clairaudience-14, Psychometry-14, Precognition-14.




Skills: Free Fall-11, Vacc Suit-14, Gambling-15, Beam Weapons (Blaster)-13, Computer Operations/TL9-15, Electronics Operation (Sensors)-15.[/hide]

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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