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What Happened To The Clan World?


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I'm not sure if the clan world is shrinking, but it is changing. Like Y Guy said, most clans don't even look at people who have 0 clan experience and won't take the time to teach these people or recruit them. With that said, there are fewer members coming into the clan world in a lot of cases, and when you get the majority of members in a clan solely playing for that clan and nothing else, and the clan closes, there goes a lot of clan members. However, many people overlook the numerous small clans that form which i think keeps the balance.


§ Crimson Raiders Veteran | skull_crossbones.gif Ex Downfall Warlord | bcouncil.gif Ex Team Vendetta Council

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I'm really enjoying the posts I'm seeing here. People putting in lots of effort to there answers. Now I have a new question for you, gonna put it in big letters so people see it.





Answer these questions too now please :D


1. More things like the jagex cup, more communication and interaction with the clan leaders and the community, listening to our querys and suggestions ,etc.


2. The updates always have problems, like, bh craters, they had to turn em non multi, pvp/bh worlds, there arent really enough for the development of the clanworld, the clanchats have limits of 100 people. CWA is still silly for long term run-ins etc.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Stop overreacting, the clan world isn't dieing, it will never die. Yes it's smaller, but people are coming in and balancing out the rate of those who are leaving, just because people aren't coming in at the same rates they used to doesn't mean things are looking bleak.


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I don't think the sized has really changed it's just the numbers of clans that's changed. Respect has been lost as clans don't hold themselves to the same standards they used to leading to lower and lower standards of respect.


WHAT CAN JAGEX DO TO HELP AND REBUILD THE CLAN WORLD? Take out clan wars and bounty hunter. Back in the old days the only way you got to fight was in the wilderness where you risked pixels every time you fought, if u died u just made more money to buy rune and went back out. Now you can fight in cwa and not worry about losing pixels so its harder to make the jump to pking with clans in the deep wild. Also having safe spots in the middle of the wild is absolutely ridiculous. Hill giants(the best place to pk with 10 man teams and where clans like DS were first formed) were ruined when the single strip was put in to the east of them. More worlds wouldn't hurt either.

WHAT ARE JAGEX DOING WRONG RIGHT NOW FOR THE CLAN WORLD? not removing stealing creations, bounty hunter and clan wars from the wild. if they want to keep clan wars, put a portal in edge like soul wars and have it somewhere else instead of taking up a huge chunk of the wild. Same with stealing creations.

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