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Ti84+ Calcs, MirageOS, and the myth of the Math Teachers?


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so ur saying u can make a graph on a calculator with out the concept of graphing?
Insane might not be but I certainly will.




All we had to do was push one button, enter in a few numbers then press another and we had ourself a graph.




Some random person off the street could've done it.











it dosnt seem like u know what ur talking about. few more bottons plus another botton, dosnt equal one. dont worry i didnt have to result to my calculator to figure that out.








im not trying to flame u. i agree with u that knowing how to graph on paper with pencil is a very good thing to know.








but using a graphing calculator dosnt make u lose that concept. in my case graphing calculators have helped me learn how to graph on paper with pencil better.

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it dosnt seem like u know what ur talking about. few more bottons plus another botton, dosnt equal one. dont worry i didnt have to result to my calculator to figure that out.








You would've been looking in the wrong place since it isn't a mathematical calculation. It is an inline list of collective steps required to produce a graph using the calcuators that were available to my class.








Reading and comprehension > you









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it dosnt seem like u know what ur talking about. few more bottons plus another botton, dosnt equal one. dont worry i didnt have to result to my calculator to figure that out.








Grammar > you








Its "I didnt have to resolve to using my calc..."









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It doesn't make sense to have a graphing calculator until you get into Algebra II; everyone I know had teachers who made them graph the graphs on graphing paper, and even now, we're reviewing graphing equations in Algebra II and we have to write the equations down. I suppose it might help on the SAT and such, but other than that, and the higher math classes, I see no reason for a graphing calculator. If I wanted to play games in class, I'd get a TI-84 shell and re-engineer my GBA to fit inside it :P. That way I can look like I'm using it.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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