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What should i get rid of?


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WOW do you ever throw away quest items? :D


I think you can talk to the Mysterious Old Man and he will clear out unnecessary quest items from your bank. In addition, you can dispose of holiday items, since you can get them back from Diango in Draynor.

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My advice would be: Throw out virtually everything. If you haven't used it in the last 3 months and cannot see yourself using it in the next 6 months, it isn't worth having.


Use the tabs. They were made to help organise your bank but I have real trouble seeing any form of order in yours =S


For example, This is my order. it's very subjective but hopefully it should help you get an idea of how to look after yours


Tab one: generic quest items and currencies (pestle and mortar, ropes, buckets, pots, gp, trading sticks, tokkul) also anything I'm using a lot of atm


Tab two: runes and teleport items (everything you need for spells, teleports including elf crystals, ectophials, jewlery teles etc.)


Tab three: costumes stuff (any speak amulets, any costume stuff)


Tab four: Food and fishing (all foods, raw and cooked, all pots, and fishing stuff)


Tab five: Tools (basically everything you need for crafting, smithing, wc, mining, hunter. This is probably my biggest tab)


Tab six: Combat stuff (another big tab, everything for range and mellee combat - weapons armours ammo etc.)


Tab seven: Farming stuff (seeds, produce that doesn't go in food, equipment)


Tab eight: Herblore stuff (clean and grimy herbs, unfinished pots etc)


Tab nine: Junk (any junk/unsellables or stuff that I plan on selling soon)


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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Definitely get rid of all the quest items. The great thing about quest stuff is that if you need it again later, there's always a way to get it back.


If you spend a little time doing the quest "One Small Favour", you can put all of those keys on on a key ring, which would eliminate the need for that whole bank tab.


Additionally, if you build a costume room in your house, you can store all of that random event clothing and all the holiday items, too.


[Click for my blog]


[hide=Drops & Achievements]

Hunter_cape_(t).gif 99 Hunter: 4/30/09 Cooking_cape_(t).gif 99 Cooking: 6/2/2009 Attack_cape_(t).gif 99 Attack: 6/9/10


Dragon Legs x2 | Dragon Skirt x2 | Dragon Med x3 | Dragon Boots x13 | Dragon Shield Left Half x1

Abyssal Whip x2 | Granite Maul x8 | Granite Helm x2 | Granite Legs x1


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All defenders minus the addy one. And yeah get rid of the quest stuff. And try not to keep a one of thing. Like the snake skin. You can not make anything out of it. Sell it in the ge. I have the same problem with my bank as well. I never get it below 400 items.

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WOW do you ever throw away quest items? :D


I think you can talk to the Mysterious Old Man and he will clear out unnecessary quest items from your bank. In addition, you can dispose of holiday items, since you can get them back from Diango in Draynor.


Remember that the MoM only does F2P quest items.


Looking at your bank pic though (I'll do this by lines and tabs according to the picture):


1. An egg, Eek, some mismatched runes, and a pile of coins. Like already suggested by schmuall, a good idea is to have very commonly used items and currencies in that first tab. Teleport items (Not runes though, more like glories and such) and items you can get from the General store are good.


As for what's there already, Eek can be retrieved from Diango in Draynor. The egg can be sold or moved somewhere else. Runes should be placed in a specific tab (more on this later)


2-3. As suggested, get rid of all defenders except the rune one. Actually, before you do that, keep you adamant and attempt to get another rune one or two just for some security. Those random steel bolts don't seem to have a use for you since you have such a small quantity of them so you can toss those. All of those staves can go into the magic tab I referred to above.


All of Tab 3. The santa, reaper hood, ice necklace, warlock, and all circus items can be tossed. They can be retrieved from Diango/The Ringmaster and all they do now is clog your bank. You have several sets of hunter clothing, but I'm pretty sure they can be also done away with. Larupia is superior in most cases. Consider putting the random clothing in your house.


All of Tab 4 in the first Picture. The only items you should keep are: Broomstick, rope, snake skin, (What's that red book? Is it an xp giving book?) rabbit foot, sextant and compass, spade, knife, secateurs (Should go to a tool leperchaun), Guthix book, penguin book, super compost.


All books can be found in your PoH bookshelf and everything else is useless now.


Rest of Tab 4

Is that a sara page? Get the book and shove it in. If the Guth book isn't completed already, buy those pages and finish it off.


Tab 6

While your bank isn't particularly full, do you really need all those axes at once? If that's a bronze pickax, you should obviously trade up for a rune or dragon one. Hammer would be good in the first tab and so would tinderbox. As for the MA contracts, do a suicide seige game and then toss your contracts if you don't play often. Nuggets can be tossed and so can your trowel. The other items could foreseeably have a use in the future.


Tab 7-8 Guess I'm not the only one not done DT :rolleyes: As the black gem and keys suggest, finish off Shilo village to get those keys on a key ring. Most of the other keys that can't be held by the ring can be done away with anyway.


Other than that, follow schmuall's guidelines or visit my guide listed in my sig.

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WOW do you ever throw away quest items? :D


I think you can talk to the Mysterious Old Man and he will clear out unnecessary quest items from your bank. In addition, you can dispose of holiday items, since you can get them back from Diango in Draynor.


Remember that the MoM only does F2P quest items.

Oh, didn't know that. They should apply it to members' quests, too.


Do what others have said.

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