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Jagex contacts in game?


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Well here's the thing. I was fletching, and suddenly someone with the name: Wharmbo007 contacts me as a friend, saying I was using offensive language yesterday and get a ban for life.

Now I don't know much about mods from Jagex, but what I do know is the won't contact you about bans, they just give you one. He said when I log off, I was banned for ever.

I tried it, but I could log in, just as normal. So I was sure this guy was fooling around.


Or am I wrong? I was pissed off, reported the player for impersonating the staff, but know I'm not feeling fine about that.

I searched the guy on Highscores, not very high stats, so I couldn't understand it was Jagex staff...

"We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture."



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That's not a J-Mod, that's someone trying to freak you out... possibly for fun, possibily to get you to give out account details.


Either way you did the right thing reporting it. I'd add them to your ignore list too as they're not worth the time.


If a ~J-Mod contacts you in game, they'll have a gold crown. They won't discuss such things with you and you shouldn't discuss it with them.


No crown is an impersonator.

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Thnx for replies. Well, he was freaking me out. So that he had accomplished.

He is reported, and I hope he will get a ban. This isn't fun anymore.

"We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture."



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I can assure you that he wasn't jagex staff. Along with not contacting you ingame, he would've had the gold crown next to his name if he really was a part of jagex. Report the player and worry no more about him.


And he wouldn't appear on the Hiscores either.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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