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Everything posted by Nicolescat

  1. That's not a J-Mod, that's someone trying to freak you out... possibly for fun, possibily to get you to give out account details. Either way you did the right thing reporting it. I'd add them to your ignore list too as they're not worth the time. If a ~J-Mod contacts you in game, they'll have a gold crown. They won't discuss such things with you and you shouldn't discuss it with them. No crown is an impersonator.
  2. "The reason for my doubting is that it's kind of something you want to keep secret." How do you know this? I have Asperger's (diagnosed by an actual psychologist and psychiatrist, not internet self-diagnosis) and I'm quite happy to admit to it. I don't go around shouting it from the clifftops, but if it's relevant, I'll mention it. Like in this discussion, so you know where I am arguing my point from. Likewise, sometimes I'll try and explain in game if people react strangely to my normally stilted way of talking and "it's just the way I speak" isn't sccepted as a good answer. I have been told repeatedly "nobody speaks like that" - well, I do. It's not something to be ashamed of in my opinion. There are others who may disagree, but that's a very broad statement to make. That said: In Runescape I am a polite player. I don't name call, I am kind, though I generally stick to myself and won't start conversations on my own and won't always respond to other people depending on how I feel. I'm not the most socially aware person but I manage to get through playing just fine and most of my interactions with other players are friendly. If not, I tend to ignore them. As or why autistic people may choose to play MMORPGS? They're a good place to interact even to a small degree. It's easier than having to pay attention to facial expressions you don't understand and so on... essentially, it's far easier to pick out a person who is autistic in real life than online. Online is a good practise to how to interact. I'm a pretty coherent forum poster but saying something like this directly to somebody would go less well and I doubt I'd be able to formulate my thoughts as concisely as I can here. (Well... this is concise for me, anyway.) On the internet autism is sometimes used as an excuse to be rude. I think most people who use it as an excuse are probably lying, or if they are telling the truth then it's still not a good attitude to have. It's not an excuse to be rude, it's something you learn to cope with and adapt to, and people on the internet, especially, won't care what people have - if they're rude, they're rude, they'll be treated just as rudely back.
  3. Very tough decision. Some pretty good videos there, and when it came down to ones I wanted to vote for it was still down to four of them. In the end I ruled out the mithril sword one (with difficulty) as the end just sort of tapers off and the video ideas one because I'm sure Excl has a large enough fanbase that missing a vote isn't going to hurt him more than it will the others. That left me down to the Irish dancing one and the TV one... finally decided to go for the Irish dancing one as it's very well choreographed and actually looks pretty realistic. Still all good videos though.
  4. Fixed game threads haven't been allowed on the RSOF for months. And yes, Jagex mods lock fixed game threads too. Example: QFC: 72-73-528-59318072 It's only to do with FIXED minigames.
  5. I don't see anywhere where it says that they're banned. It says you can't advertise them on the forums as they're against the spirit of the game. This sort of thing has happened before (like with threads about finding partners for the "PVP trick".) Honestly I think you're misinterpreting what was said. Besides, minigames clans aren't a problem. It's minigames clans who go out of the way to fix a game (Soul Wars example: making teams that tie for the points and totally removing the competitive element) that aren't allowed to be advertised on the forums.
  6. My view: if a word is censored, it's censored. The reason you can't report for censored words is since they have been blocked out, there is nothing offensive there. The censor can be quite odd at times to and if you minorly mistype something it'll get censored, or you'll end up with a legitimate sentence that may end up with lots of stars in it. So: "**** off" could mean anything. "f**k off"... really, you are more likely to be reported, as you're obviously swearing. And is there really any need to type it like that with the express idea of using it to bypass the censor? The language is stronger, if anything it makes it more offensive rather than less as instead of just typing the word and letting it be censored, you've actually taken the effort to go around it. And, in this particular example, it's very aggressive. Slightly different in less offensive contexts, perhaps, and with less offensive words, but it's still the same principle. I guess it's your choice if you use it or not, but I do think it'd be seen as worse than just saying it normally, and also more likely to end up with people reporting you as some people are very report happy. I don't really think it's worth the risk to be honest - as has been mentioned, you can generally tell what is meant by context anyway. Guess it comes down to weighing it up: is it really worth it to clarify what many people can already tell anyway?
  7. I'm actually much closer to the requirements than I thought I'd be... All I need is to do Rocking Out and Devious Minds (need 8 smithing levels, 4 crafting levels, 10 runecrafting levels) for the quest point requirements, and then I need 11 farming levels, 7 herblore levels, and 2 magic levels... oh, and to defeat Bork (I've been doing my best to stay away from the Chaos Tunnels!). I've done all of the actually 'required' quests.
  8. The people who are wondering about T.S Church, remember that: -This book wouldn't be published if it wasn't decently written. -There isn't much point getting at T.S Church for never being mentioned before... it could simply be a pseudonym anyway. You never know, it could be written by a very popular author under a pseudonym... not likely, but you get the point: don't judge the writer until you've read it. As for the book... I'm a ig reader but this isn't the sort of thing I'd normally read (though I love quests). I'm going to wait until it comes out and read some reviews. If the consensus is good, I'll buy it.
  9. They're great for when people are harassing you by following you or messaging you with lame pick up lines and they won't get the message. Even if they do stalk you across worlds, they can't make them due to enforced polite talking. Also, if another world is lagging for you, quick-chat's the best bet for less lag... fewer people use them.
  10. I had more problems getting to the bosses than fighting them... Fareed's dungeon really threw me for a loop in particular, I had to walk around to find everything first, walk back to make sure I remembered the way back (I am not very good with maps and my memory of them is awful) before I could even try the torch thing (which I initially had lots of problems finding).
  11. I lost the screenshot but: My graphics haven't acted up at all except in the well in Smoking Kills - the cutscene(s) down the well, half of the 'talk' bar, with the face and the dialogue, is blank and the other half filled in (so you get half a face and half the dialogue). That may be a computer issue - with the fog it may be too many graphic options for it to handle flawlessly - but equally it could be a bug.
  12. I was 12 and obsessed with the Final Fantasy series. 'Aeon' from FF10. Queen , largely just chosen as I'm a girl. (I have a really old account called Gfs Princess alongside.) Looking back a good few years on, it isn't that bad a name, especially when it prompts conversations about Final Fantasy with random people I meet on slayer assignments. :P
  13. I was having heavy lag issues just now but I assume it's to do with being in a heavily populated area - I used to get kicked off whenever I went to Falador in world 2 for the same issue, too many people. Earlier though I was able to play fine for about half an hour then a massive chain of disconnects. (Especially annoying when you're on the last line of a puzzle box and get kicked off after a string of disconnects.) I will add, though, that it's much better than it used to be. I stopped playing due to the same issue somebody mentioned earlier: walk two or three steps, freezes from lag. Repeat. Walk about ten steps, disconnect. Constantly, no matter what server. It's a big improvement on that now. This may or may not be due to looking at the ports Runescape requires (which should have been open anyway) and getting a java update. Also, shutting everything else down in the background. Hope it improves if you're still having an issue, I know it's annoying.
  14. And I'm still only lvl 85. :P -is lazy- Also, I never did understand why in changing from classic to RS2, a hatchet became an axe and herblaw became herblore... :\
  15. Good guide. Although, when I played defender for a while, I'd like to point out that it's NOT helpful for people to fire eggs at runners - especially if they aren't explosive eggs and so won't damage them - when they're following your bait onto the trap. I was baiting one and the attacker fired a stun egg, and after that the runner changed direction and ignored the bait, which is difficult to make them follow anyway... I'm unsure if the other eggs would effect similarly, but I'd assume so. Somebody else might be able to confirm it... If the defender isn't baiting, or isn't having instructions told, by all means, eggs fired at runners are a good plan, but in my experience they just hinder you if you're actively baiting them while others are firing eggs. [pokemama 14 Jan: you are absolutely correct, the current info was leftover from the earliest strategy suggestions. I've had more defender experience since then, and have some better ideas. Blue eggs seem to be universally useless - a line of bad bait blocking off the southeast corner in the queen battle is a plus since the launcher can't reach it. We'll change this in the next update. ]
  16. Ouch. They're the only ones that happens with? Guess I'm lucky, the Zanaris master is obsessed with assigning me trolls, and as I don't want to skill 160 odd trolls, I always end up getting it changed to kalphites or dogs. It'd be really annoying if I couldn't change. :\
  17. Being a girl with a female character, a lot of the way some people act really annoys me. I got followed around for a while by people begging and asking me out - I developed a system of saying no once, then if they didn't leave me alone, blocking and logging out for a min or so (or teleporting if it didn't inconvenience me). Trick is when people ask if you have a boyfriend, go, "no, I don't. And I'm not looking." That way they give the hint most of the time. Then my friend got tired of people being being all, "don't you want me?" through my private messaging (despite it being on friends), which creeped me out, so we played along as husband and wife for a while, where he yelled at anybody trying to hit on me. It was odd, but at least people left me alone for a while. ^_^
  18. I'm still incapable of starting it at this time. Thanks for the help, though. :)
  19. Is there any way for me to get to this or is my assumption correct that I'd need to do Legends quest? 08 degrees 05 minutes south, 15 degrees 56 minutes east.
  20. Do you need a certain agility level to get that one then?
  21. Ah, thank you - it was a case of what you're looking for being right in front of your eyes. :)
  22. Whereabouts (as precisely as you can get) is Gabooty? I've searched around Tai Bwo Wannai for half an hour, but no luck so far...
  23. I generally find that people who don't have English as a first language speak it better than those of us who do. It's got to be particularly hard to learn a language if all you see is chatspeak/abbreviations, though.
  24. I think it's a great article. It started getting really bad when people would ask me (in chatspeak), "Why do you type normally?" and my only retort was, "Why do you not?" Funnily enough, I've never heard the English classroom excuse, but the eerily similar, "OMG, IT'S MSN - NOT AN ENGLISH EXAM." Or, at least, an incoherent version of that. Great job on it; it's needed to be said for quite some time, in my opinion.
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