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PvP on every world?


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I suppose this brings us back to the old wound...The original wild...

Don't get me wrong, I loved old skool player killing, it added something to my day...I remember going around on one of my 126 characters and doing nothing but killing everything in sight...BUT!


I hated bots...

I hated bots...



Basically, if we lived in a perfect world, I would be all for this Idea, but...we don't...somewhere, in a large warehouse in Korea, there is an evil Sweatshop Overlord waiting for Jagex to weaken, and allow more freedom. And I loathe the day, we ever see the bald greenshirts again take our lands...





Below is me, when I am after flamers, haters, and various other noobly professions...




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In a way I kind of wish the old wild was still there. My main reasons being are the revs. In old wild a player could only hit you when they can see you on their screen but revs can blast you from 5 screens away. Not only that but revs can pass through certain barriers out there while players cannot. It's just aggravating.

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Wilderness is dead now. You cannot have a proper fight like back in the old days. All these people who play PvP worlds or BH worlds hang around lvl 1-5 edge. A none multi area ! If you venture out into lvl 10+ these days your lucky to find anyone. This is really annoying. Trying to fight someone in lvl 5 edge is ridiculous. They just run.... Or you do... You cannot kill anybody, and if you do it's pure luck, or stupidity. RWT killed it for everybody really !


I'm sure a better system could have been brought in to ensure we kept the old wildy and the fun of it without the ability to cheat. I mean the whole point of this new system is to stop cheating, but it still goes on. Sure it may be a bit harder for RWT to do it now, but it's still going on all day every day ! They killed one of the best things in the whole game (pking) and didn't do what they intended, which was to stop the cheating of RWT !


Bring back the old wilderness !


i big drew i.png

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Well yeah if u can get EP easily on an half empty world RWT companies can send 18 bots to sit and collect EP and then elt e 1 guy spend a few hours getting ep and killing each in turn to get mils in loot.By keeping pkers crowded in you cant do this



In crowded worlds, no matter how crowded, there will always be an obscure spot that nobody ever comes to. Places like GWD(who exactly comes there on PvP), tree gnome stronghold, and of course the GAMES ROOM. There, lots of people do the 76k trick and nobody bothers each other because they all want the money. Runescape is far too big to support an all out PvP world.

It takes many people to construct a weapon of mass destruction, but only 1 idiot to use it.



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Today there are quests and bosses (Spirit quests + CB, Defender of Varrock, Beacon lighting) in the wilderness. Those would become nigh unplayable if today's BH mechanic was reintroduced. Griefers are common enough, if they have the ability to kill people for money that would be a problem. I'm going to be bad enough, content that required you to go into the wilderness was bad enough before the changes, but in the case of rune mining and clue scrolls you either weren't carrying anything valuable or were only killable for a few seconds before disappearing. Now, as said before, there are entire quests set in the wilderness.


The game has progressed far too much for a change like this. At least across all worlds. Perhaps having this mechanic on some servers, like the BH servers except the rest of the world isn't PvP.

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Wilderness is dead now. You cannot have a proper fight like back in the old days. All these people who play PvP worlds or BH worlds hang around lvl 1-5 edge. A none multi area ! If you venture out into lvl 10+ these days your lucky to find anyone. This is really annoying. Trying to fight someone in lvl 5 edge is ridiculous. They just run.... Or you do... You cannot kill anybody, and if you do it's pure luck, or stupidity...


Did you ever go to a designated pvp world with the old wildy at all?


This IS all it was, with a few pairs wondering around deeper.

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I personally, like things the way they are, mostly because I sucked at PKing, I could not PK for me life, or my character's life lol.


anyway, what If Jagex made one world just like the normal worlds except that it was the God Wars. At the prayer level you enter the monastery, you must pick a side Saradomin or Zamorack. Then on this world, you would combine with armies of NPCs for all out PKing/Killing things in general. But these would be high levle NPCs in the lower 90's to the upper 120's. There'd be various rewards, probably mostly untradable, across sidest at least. Example: saradomin soldiers cannot trade saradomin rewards to zamorackians (sp?)


-It would be all over, very, very few safe places, so there's constant danger

-Roaming Packs of NPCs on different sides can attack you, and its free for all with no sign of allegience a cape, hood, armor set etc.

-higher exp/rewards for braving it


Yes I know this should go in bugs/suggestions, but it seems like a possible solution, plus I wanted to bounce it off of some people first.


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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For my idea, the npcs keep it dangerous because I'm afraid it might get kinda spread out.


As for the BH/PvP, I think there sould be a lower player limit per world to keep it from lagging so terribly, which was one of the problems raised earlier, and a quick clarification question... what's EP?


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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Here's the thing about the new, non-pvp wilderness. Ever since Pk'ers went bye-bye and got replaced by the less dangerous revenants, Jagex started sprucing up the wilde. We have a quest there. Imagine that quest on a bh world. Or f2p'ers going to CLW. Or even FoG, although there IS a bank there. Wilderness penguins. And also, I think one of the reasons PVP is only on a few worlds is partly because they want PVP crowded. That way there's much less of a chance for someone to abuse the system.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I think its stupid, I enjoy having world restricted to strictly PVP because it cuts down on item scamming and PVP farming. If you don't want to PVP play on a non PVP world, if you want to PVP, then play PVP...


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I think its stupid, I enjoy having world restricted to strictly PVP because it cuts down on item scamming and PVP farming. If you don't want to PVP play on a non PVP world, if you want to PVP, then play PVP...


Well the way the old system worked:

If you don't want to PvP, you don't go into the wilderness.

If you want to PVP, go into the wilderness.

If you want to go into the Wilderness, but not PvP, then you take a risk.

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