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Can you log out right after you drink it to avoid most of the damage?

I tried doing it once and it worked, but i tried again and it said you cannot log out without 10 seconds of combat.

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Can you log out right after you drink it to avoid most of the damage?

I tried doing it once and it worked, but i tried again and it said you cannot log out without 10 seconds of combat.


If that's the case, you should probably try timing when you drink it to coincide with a time that you're not in combat. Though, I would think that in a lot of situations it'd be too much hassle to really be worth it. You'll just have to be at ~400 instead of ~900 -- depending on where you are, that might not be a problem (slayer tasks jump out as a place where that would be true).


(Just as a note, I'm not talking from experience, just conjecture -- I don't have the level for overloads yet.)

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No I wasn't in combat, I was just standing there. I assume that is because it hits me for 100 damage, but I want to know how to make it so I can log out every time.

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I was wondering the same. I also logged out once because of some reason and it stopped me taking damage. Next time I tried it, it didn't work either.


I also had it at bork once. I drank an overload and entered his lair right after, while I was still taking damage. When the cutscene ended, I only took like 300 in stead of 500 damage. Next time I tried it, it didn't work of course. So yeah, I have no idea actually.

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I recall something about a bug in overload tht was fixed in patch notes to do with damage avoidance.


So i'm guessing this was the bug and it is no logner doable.


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