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Hey i recently completed WGS and have started soloing TD's.


My stats are : 99/99/99/99 with 84 range. I dont piety or eagle eye.


I use the south west lure killing one spawn. I also use D hally and K bow.




Is there anything i should be changing and what sort of kills/hour should i expect?


Thanks tip.it

Miseryism | Completionist


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I can kill about 20 or so an hour, but with your current setup, you're not looking at good speed.


Most importantly, get your ranged up. It will be the slowest part of each kill. Yes, you'll get a good amount of ranged xp at TDs due to their low defence, but even so, you're going to need high ranged. Spend some time somewhere and get it to 90+. And use rune crossbow with broad or runite bolts -- I use broads because they're cheaper but I know some people (muggi, that means you) who swear by runite bolts.


Like others have said, godsword/whip. MUCH better than halberd -- I tried it once and stopped the trip early so I could get a decent melee weapon.


The north spot is really good -- go to the least populated world you can find because, no matter what, they'll spawn fast enough, since you're alternating between fighting two different spawns.


Also, use black dragonhide to kill them until you get good at prayer switching and such, then switch to void armour -- the constant 10% to damage and accuracy is huge. It's almost paper thin when it comes to defence, but between a unicorn and EE/SGS plus a bit of emergency healing (brews, sharks, summoning potion, whatever you're going to use), it shouldn't be a problem.

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