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Subs for Turmoil


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Having recently got 92 prayer, I want to stay on curses. However, I don't really want to get Turmoil for ~45m since I'm maxed melee and probably won't see myself using it very much at all outside occasionally boss hunting, Bork, or CTS Waterfiends when I get the 3x charm booster.


So my question is, for the following activities, what are the best substitute curses in place of Turmoil?


-CTS Waterfiends

-Generic Slayer, assuming I range all tasks

-Any special mentions for slayer, assuming I range all tasks

-Melee boss monsters other than TDS

-Random fights (quest bosses, Bork, etc.), assuming I melee

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True, but I'm not really convinced it's worth 45m (wrong in the thread). Perhaps when the price falls again.


And I mean more like, which leech curses?

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I would stay on normal prayers, especially since you are ranging and missing out on eagle eye now.


I got 95 prayer, but when I TD I use normal prayers so I can flash piety and eagle eye. Chaos tunnel waterfiends were perfectly possible before soul split too, and should actually be faster this way (you only get 15% att and 23% str for turmoil at waterfiends)

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My theory was, though, assuming attack, defense, and ranged levels have no difference in weighting, that the 25% drain of Leech Defense would be what really makes the difference between Eagle Eye/Superhuman Strength and Curses.


Because, if you think about it, there are two ways to be more accurate. Increase your own attack/ranged, or decrease your opponent's defense.

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My theory was, though, assuming attack, defense, and ranged levels have no difference in weighting, that the 25% drain of Leech Defense would be what really makes the difference between Eagle Eye/Superhuman Strength and Curses.


Because, if you think about it, there are two ways to be more accurate. Increase your own attack/ranged, or decrease your opponent's defense.

Hmm, could be somewhat true yeah, but still, most of the times you won't be able to drain a lot of stats before you have to move to an other spawn. Luckily your own stats stay boosted if you don't wait to long with clicking another npc (e.g. I stay at 9-10% str with leech str).

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When i ranged Mithrils, I tried both eagle eye and Leech Range conjoined with Leech defence. The result was very similar kills per hour with both methods, so no great difference except the faster consumption of prayer potions.


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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When i ranged Mithrils, I tried both eagle eye and Leech Range conjoined with Leech defence. The result was very similar kills per hour with both methods, so no great difference except the faster consumption of prayer potions.

Leech drains faster than eagle eye, or the other way around?

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When i ranged Mithrils, I tried both eagle eye and Leech Range conjoined with Leech defence. The result was very similar kills per hour with both methods, so no great difference except the faster consumption of prayer potions.

Leech drains faster than eagle eye, or the other way around?


I'm wondering the same.

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If ur not using turmoil.


Soul split is always handy.


As for sap/leeches


Leech def is always win (weakens them strengthens you, assuming they r hitting u. Else stick with sap)

Then leech for the attack type you're using (so str for melee unless ur att lvl is stupidly low)

And sap the attack type they use (unless of course they attack same as u then u got leech neway)



So, for example, meleeing steels:

Leech Def, Leech Str


Ranging steels:

Sap def, leech range


Waterfiends (if u arent gonna prayer agaisnt rnage with deflect/protect)

leech def, leech str, sap range


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