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Solo Armadyl


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After I get 99 range I will be soloing armadyl a lot. I want to know if worlds are easy to find and if a steel titan is better than a yak.

And also hilts are 1 in 600 right?

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From what I have read, a steel titan is better. The speed increase seems to be worth it, though this is all from hearsay and not from personal experience. As for the worlds, someone else will have to tell you -- I haven't been to the dungeon in forever outside of spiritual mages tasks.

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I don't have a Steel Titan personally, but from what I've heard, it's fairly decent at Arma, whereas Unicorn is very good.


As for finding worlds, it is almost never a problem, you shouldn't need to hop more than once.



138 Combat as of Summer 2010 - Retired Summer 2010

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Finding worlds is easy, I've never had to hop more than once. Most of the times I've gone were around 10 est and later (a run or two before I get off rs).


As for a titan/yak comparison I can't really say much as I don't have the stats/gear (overloads/divine) I want before trying that.

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German, Portuguese and french worlds might be empty. Yak would probably make your trips longer. There are alot of drop logs on rs forums (under monster) you can probably add all the kills and divide the number of hilts they have gotten.

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