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More solo armadyl


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Alright I got some more questions before I finish getting 99 range.

First off, when I take a steel titan, do I use it to attack Kree or the minions?

Also what's a good setup that doesn't risk over 10m? (I can use spectral and arma, but idk if I should use verac's helm or arma helm to save legs).

Should I start soloing at 95 range or should I get 99 first?

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It is worth using another helm other then Veracs so that you protect your skirt until you get more confident. I would suggest a niet as they have decent bonuses and won't protect over much. From what I know of steel titans at Arma, have it attacking Kree when you are, and then you have a choice when it comes to the minions.


Either be attacking the mage minion and have it attack the melee one, or pile one after the other so that you kill each one faster.


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