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Purpose of rune essence?


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I dont have the quote from Jagex but they basically said that they dont want f2p to be slaves to members to collect for them.


Which I do not understand... P2P has all the money... so it would benefit p2p in having extra items and it would give f2p a source of income.


Back to OT:

Prices would freak out at first, but in the end rune ess would increase in price but so would elemental runes. The price of member runes (runecrafting that is) would cost slightly more... in the end there would not be that big of a change. The invisible hand will keep everything in balance. If there is a demand for elemental runes and there are none in the market because it is not profitable, then prices will rise until someone is willing to craft them.

Donate to S_U__O__M_I !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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