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EW3 Puzzles

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Thought you guys might find this useful to add into the guide some how. Step by step puzzle solutions, don't quite match your solution images for final placement. But they work.




I had a few pms with confusion so to be clear purple is the darker blob, pink is the lighter blob.

It is not a mistake that red and pink do not feature in any solutions, that's just how things work out.

In some solutions it may seem like a pointlessly excessive line move is being made or a block is moving in the wrong direction, do not worry, to make the solutions works sometimes you have to navigate the blank tile around a random route to avoid messing other tiles up and sometimes u have to build small lines of tiles before u move them.


Puzzle 1 (Lowering Right Corner)

C, Blue, B, Purple, C, Blue, E, Purple, C, Blue, E, Orange, F, Blue, E, Green, F, Blue, E, Purple, F, Yellow, C, Orange, F, Yellow, C, Orange, F, Yellow, D, Orange, F, Yellow, E, Blue, F, Orange, E, Blue, F, Yellow, Reset.



Puzzle 2 (The Right Hand Counter, 50 extra moves):

Blue, A, Purple, F, Blue, A, Purple, F, Blue, B, Purple, F, Blue, C, Purple, F, Blue, D, Purple, F, Blue, E, Purple, F, Blue, E, Yellow, F, Green, E, Reset.



Puzzle 3 (Lowering Left Corner):

A, Blue, B, Purple, C, Blue, A, Purple, E, Orange, B, Blue, E, Orange, B, Blue, E, Orange, B, Blue, E, Orange, B, Yellow, C, Orange, F, Yellow, B, Blue, E, Yellow, B, Blue, F, Orange, B, Purple, E, Blue, D, Purple, F, Green, E, Purple, F, Green, E, Blue, Reset.



Puzzle 4 (Left Hand Counter, Infinite moves):

Orange, A, Yellow, F, Orange, B, Yellow, F, Orange, C, Yellow, F, Orange, D, Yellow, F, Orange, E, Blue, B, Yellow, E, Purple, F, Yellow, E, Blue, F, Yellow, E, Green, F, Yellow, E, Reset.



Puzzle 5 (Lowering the Middle):

B, Orange, A, Yellow, B, Orange, F, Purple, B, Orange, D, Yellow, E, Blue, D, Purple, F, Green, E, Purple, C, Blue, E, Purple, D, Blue, E, Purple, F, Yellow, E, Purple, F, Green, E, Blue, DO NOT RESET.


It has been brought to my attention that some people (like 3/15 who I heard from atm) at this point end up being told the machine is unpowered and cannot move. This appears to be a bug, as you should have infinite moves. To work around this pull the reset lever and start puzzle 5 from the beginning but add in green, blue before moving on to making it spin and it should work fine.



Puzzle 5 cont. (Making it Spin):

C, Green, B, Purple, E, Green, F, Purple, A, Blue, E, Purple, B, Orange, F, Purple, B, Orange, F, Purple, C, Blue, E, Purple, F, Green, E, Blue, B, DO NOT RESET.



Puzzle 5 cont. (Raising the Middle):

Green, C, Blue, DO NOT RESET.



The Puzzle is now finished and set-up for quick bar making, as along as you do not reset.

How to lower, recharge and raise centre again:

Green, Blue, Green, B, C, Blue.


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Also I did this version, some said colours are more awkward:




Puzzle 1 (Lowering Right Corner)

C, 5, B, 6, C, 5, E, 6, C, 5, E, 2, F, 5, E, 4, F, 5, E, 6, F, 3, C, 2, F, 3, C, 2, F, 3, D, 2, F, 3, E, 5, F, 2, E, 5, F, 3, Reset.



Puzzle 2 (The Right Hand Counter, 50 extra moves):

5, A, 6, F, 5, A, 6, F, 5, B, 6, F, 5, C, 6, F, 5, D, 6, F, 5, E, 6, F, 5, E, 3, F, 4, E, Reset.



Puzzle 3 (Lowering Left Corner):

A, 5, B, 6, C, 5, A, 6, E, 2, B, 5, E, 2, B, 5, E, 2, B, 5, E, 2, B, 3, C, 2, F, 3, B, 5, E, 3, B, 5, F, 2, B, 6, E, 5, D, 6, F, 4, E, 6, F, 4, E, 5, Reset.



Puzzle 4 (Left Hand Counter, Infinite moves):

2, A, 3, F, 2, B, 3, F, 2, C, 3, F, 2, D, 3, F, 2, E, 5, B, 3, E, 6, F, 3, E, 5, F, 3, E, 4, F, 3, E, Reset.



Puzzle 5 (Lowering the Middle):

B, 2, A, 3, B, 2, F, 6, B, 2, D, 3, E, 5, D, 6, F, 4, E, 6, C, 5, E, 6, D, 5, E, 6, F, 3, E, 6, F, 4, E, 5, DO NOT RESET.


It has been brought to my attention that some people (like 3/15 who I heard from atm) at this point end up being told the machine is unpowered and cannot move. This appears to be a bug, as you should have infinite moves. To work around this pull the reset lever and start puzzle 5 from the beginning but add in 4, 5 before moving on to making it spin and it should work fine.



Puzzle 5 cont. (Making it Spin):

C, 4, B, 6, E, 4, F, 6, A, 5, E, 6, B, 2, F, 6, B, 2, F, 6, C, 5, E, 6, F, 4, E, 5, B, DO NOT RESET.



Puzzle 5 cont. (Raising the Middle):

4, C, 5, DO NOT RESET.



The Puzzle is now finished and set-up for quick bar making, as along as you do not reset.

How to lower, recharge and raise centre again:

4, 5, 4, B, C, 5.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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Guest TrixStar

Forgive me if this is a stupid question as I haven't even started the quest. When you move a "letter" do both sides move? When you say do C well C on which side as you have C on the right and the left. Same with the numbers. 5 on the top or 5 on the bottom?

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Levers opposite each other have same effect at any given time, which is why they match label wise. A on the top row will do the same as A on the bottom row etc.


The best way to think of it is a lever tries to make the gap line up with it. But the top/bottom levers can only slide tiles sideways. The left/right levers can only move tiles up/down.


For example in the diagram pic the empty tile is C 5.

Pulling levers 1 - 7 will make the gap move along the C row to line up with the lever.

Pulling levers A - F will make the gap move up/down the 5 column to line up with the lever.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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Wow! You are a genius!

I was having a hard time to do this puzzles, but your guide REALLY helped. I've done exactly the way you said and EVERYTHING worked perfecty.

Thank you VERY MUCH, really.


I wasnt member of the forum, just registered to thank you.


Crew Edit: Welcome to the Tip.It forums! Purple text is used by the Tip.It Crew to mark their messages, so please write your posts in the default white or another colour to avoid confusion. Thanks. :) ~Juhniz

Edited by Juhniz
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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got around to doing this; 'apologies for the wait. I've personally verified that your method works, and so have added the solutions at the end of each section as "spoilers".


You've been added to the the "Special Thanks" list, by the way. Thanks for your help. :)

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