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Is there point me trying?


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Don't worry about it. My best advice is to just keep trying, mess around with whatever crazy idea you have. It doesn't matter if it's been thought of before, just for practice...








My other peice of advice would be to not post everything you make, just post something once in a while that you think is really good.




I only post/posted like 25% of the stuff I do/did...

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What Wyrm said - and if you ever need a helping hand or advice, feel free to pester me on MSN.








Don't give up, though!
















// Azvi.


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What Wyrm said - and if you ever need a helping hand or advice, feel free to pester me on MSN.








Don't give up, though!
















// Azvi.








That goes ditto for me dude. Dont give up! I just recently went through a phaze of that sort, was getting crappy replies and turning out crap. Dont worry, its just a slump. Your already picking yourself up with that new fiery one, your on the right track :wink:








Also, poke me on msn :wink: Im always handy for a few pointers :)

If it isn't in your veins, you'll never know.

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I sympathize with you. Don't worry, just shrug off the people. I have a very 'different' style so I know the frustration...just remember somewhere someone will LOVE everything you make because everyone is different :D We all have our own tastes, it's just a matter of people learning to respect others style. Hang in there.

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