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The New Treasure Trail Items > Old Treasure Trail Items?


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I really think people expected more out of this Update. Frankly, I don't see "150" new TT items. I see some unexpected lame ones without the expected cool ones - Fireworks, for example. Like WTF, I thought Fireworks were coming? So saddening. :(


The new 3A is rumored to be crap by those who say they've gotten it/have friends who've been lucky enough to ALREADY obtain it? Is all 3A this common to get now? I'm becoming very worried and might need to change my goals. :'(


The new animal masks - Dragon Masks, are becoming very common already while browsing the RS Forums and Marketplace but yet players are offering them for Phats? LOLwut? Are D'Items crashing already because of such a silly Update?


Also, what's with the pictures of the items on the G.E. database, glitch much? Fix pl0x. :/


With these new Biscuits, will we be seeing more level 40's with a FireCape?


And WTH is up with these decoration box thingies - Ornaments? 2M to add a few extra spikes to your Dragon armor and a little more color? Bleh...


Lastly, I heard Canes became F2P, is this true? The G.E. still shows a GoldStar next to them, but I can't be sure. :s

1. "My ear's in a cup, I guess that doesn't count..."

2. "So heyyy, that's a pretty reasonable reaction huh?"

3. "So you up for NAFTA?"

4. "That went exactly how I wanted it to."

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I think the new items are cool as <censored>. I am a little diisappointed as I expected more new rewards for the other levels of treasure trails. No one can argue with white/purple dragonhide, or purple trimmed rune. I can't wait to get my hands on some.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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Please, stop posting.


The masks aren't that common, they are just being sold immediately by most that get them. Dragon items are probably going up due to the trimming equipment. Biscuits are untradeable so it would require a lot of time to get enough to do jad at level 40. Go on to a f2p world and try to buy a cane on the GE and you would know....

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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Please, stop posting.


Glad I'm not the only one that thinks that.


All of these are either uneducated opinions with no basis or just sporadic thoughts you threw together in one post in hopes a lot of people would reply to get some sort of recognition you've been so desperate for.

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Please, stop posting.


Glad I'm not the only one that thinks that.


All of these are either uneducated opinions with no basis or just sporadic thoughts you threw together in one post in hopes a lot of people would reply to get some sort of recognition you've been so desperate for.




The new blessed d'hides and god books are pretty useful for GWD. Almost all previous TT items were mostly cosmetic, so I'm not surprised that these are, too. I wasn't expecting most of the items to be rehashes of former items, but I'm not upset about it. I think it's kind of cool, actually.


3rd age druidic looks pretty cool, too. No complaints. Like the other 3rd age sets, it has an item or two that has superior stats to previous items, but nothing game-breaking.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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