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On Tears of Guthix, it says "Experience rewarded to your lowest level, above 30."


But, your level doesn't have to be at/over 30 to receive experience. The original guide maker was probably thinking of how each tear gives more experience per tear depending on your level- untill level 30, where it even outs.



Also, under Fish Flingers, it says the reward is "Ten times maximum, but more if you find additional tickets."

I'm not familiar with the activity, but it seems to be worded somewhat confusingly, it doesn't say what's being multipled by 10.

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Thanks for catching this! I have changed the wording for the Tears of Guthix reward, but I'm going to allow another Crewbie fix your second query (as I have no clue about the fish flingers activity).


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I believe the confusion comes from the use of "times".


"Ten times maximum, but more if you find additional tickets."


To some, that looks like you can play the game Ten multiplied by a maximum of something, when what it really is trying to say is you can play 10 games a week maximum, unless you fish a ticket from a fish's mouth in the game.


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Confirmed that the implied meaning is correct, thus I have made the change. The change should be live soon.


Thanks for your help! I think that's everything in this thread that needs fixing, so I'm going to lock this. If there's anything else, feel free to PM me or any other crew member.

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