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mystic pixeling attempt


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well, this is my first ever try, it's obviouly incomplete but cc is really welcome








all done in ms paint




EDIT: scroll down for further pics!




















well you can read everything or just go to the end but here is it finished anyway =)
















i've now completed ganmeyde's picture he requested, here it is











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good start, but I think it'll help you loads if you planed out your sigs before hand, to get the proportions right. because you've just done the torso and legs im guessing your gonna find it hard doing the arms and head, and it may not look the way you wanted it to.
















also if you plan it out before hand it'll look much more natural and less, stiff/robotic..








also try to keep your lines clean, as in make sure they're like this..
















and not like this..
















btw, ms paint is all I use too.

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wow, ty, yeah, i was worrying about the head and arms i can see what you mean, they may not work this time round but i can give it another whack tommorow and see what happens








thanks for the tip about keeping the lines clean, i'll go through now and check they are clean\cleaner



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ok, so here's a bit of an update on it
















i'm just using the screen shot to get an idea of the shading and a better idea of some of the harder colours








i'm no longer liking the boots, i may lower the robes to cover most of them, however i'll this once i'm finished



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Oo Terley, nice little start-to-finish thing there. I do the exact same thing. I start with sketches to help with proportions and such then work from there. It's hard starting in paint for clothes and other such.








Looks pretty good so far though. =]

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


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ok, so here's what i've done so far, any comments?




i can't decide which set of feet to go for, the low robe or the high..? which do you think?












if your gonna have your shield like that, do the same thing to your sword/staff and make it look like hes laughing and put some dead guy under him...

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you mean your interested in buying one?, wow, well, i'll give it a go, lol, if thats what you meant, just send me a few screenies and a description of what you want and i'll see what i can do !, lol, i'm not great at backgrounds thou =P,















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