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Mac / Windows


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Right, So im thinking of buying another 1TB HDD to add into my PC except I want to install the latest Mac OS, Why? Because I find it interesting and would help me in the long run. The only problem is this: Windows has a script called the "boot.ini", which allows you to choose which OS to boot. Now I know Windows and Linux can run along side each other, but is it possible to allow it to let me choose between the Mac OS and the Windows OS or would I need some sort of 3rd party program to do this?


Also, what IS the latest Mac OS? :oops:


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To run a Mac OS, you have to be on a mac. There are ways to do it but it still isn't really stable afterwords. And I believe the latest is 10.6 Snow Leopard, but I might be wrong since it's been out for a while already.

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Is that within Win7, like Virtual XP? and would 6GB DDR3 RAM cut it for such a task?

Depends what you wanna do but yeah that is enough


Mac OSX worked fine on my old 4gb DDR2 running in a virtual machine


I suggest VMWare or VirtualBox


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Is that within Win7, like Virtual XP? and would 6GB DDR3 RAM cut it for such a task?

Depends what you wanna do but yeah that is enough


Mac OSX worked fine on my old 4gb DDR2 running in a virtual machine


I suggest VMWare or VirtualBox


Never VMWare. Go with VirutalBox. I've had a hell of a bad experience with VMWare for 2 years at college. Unfortunately I was forced to use it, but still went around their stuff and had another copy running on VirtualBox which was much faster and didn't crash. Btw this was XP on a virutal machine with Vista as host OS as Windows 7 wasn't out yet.

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^ I haven't had stability problems with VMWare Player (Back when I used it), but Virtualbox has a lot more features for free.

Honestly not worth it unless you buy a computer that the community has already 'hacked' (mainly netbooks). The latest version is 10.6.5.

I think that Apple intentionally broke Atom processor compatibility so that hackintosh netbooks wouldn't work.


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