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I'm sick of my comp...


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This all started over the fall, I decided to get back into playing WoW. As I excitedly logged on and downloaded all the new patches I got a message.. WoW no longer supports PowerPC, I wasn't too pissed but as all my friends started playing (Cata) I really got sick of my comp. I decided to get back into RS as an alternative. I started out playing and realized the loading screen when I traveled was very laggy and usually had me restarting my browser. At first I settled for fishing or simple skills that only required me to stay in one place, but on my way to my slayer task (Iron Dragons) I noticed it started getting laggy but I pushed through the lag, got to the drags and logged off. I log in today and (as usual) it takes forever to log in. I finally get through and I'm in Lumbridge... dead. I didn't lose much, but the fact that my PowerBook G4 can't run like it did 6 months ago makes me super mad.. I really need a new comp but I can't get one until this hockey season is over (I ref hockey) when I have some cash. I'll definitely get a new Mac so please don't tell me "her derp oh heheahahaehe your problem is you're playing on a mac pl0x!!!!111!? newwwbbb". I just can't believe a can't play a simple Java game on my browser anymore in the lowest detail..



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i was going to make a quip about mac's but cause you said not to i won't :)


honestly i noticed the same thing and I've said the same thing, it's a simple java game and i'm sad i can run Starcraft2 on med detail perfectly fine but i lag for a good 4 seconds at every load screen rs throws at me. ( not my internet, i've tested multiple spots )


I just ordered a desktop from www.cyberpowerpc.com (if i cant post links im sorry, remove it) and it should be here in a week :D...

i didnt buy a new comp for rs mind you, i did it so i can play the newer games like the new KOTOR mmorpg and SC2 on ultra detail...


tbh i dont know why rs is such a resource hog, i wish they released it as a down loadable game to eliminate load spots.... or i load an entire city at once, doing my farming runs with juju pots is horrid.

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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That's because Runescape isn't just a "simple java game," as animations become more complicated, textures become more detailed, more aesthetic features are added in, the base system requirements for the game will go up incrementally and older computers will find it more difficult to play. Jagex can try has hard as they want to keep old computers hooked in, but eventually they have to give up that in order to progress, some have to be left behind. The PowerPc was dropped from WoW because its OPENGL doesn't offer full support for the systems Blizzard has in place, a similar reason to why Runescape will not work properly on your Powerbook G4, software issues.


I just can't believe a can't play a simple Java game on my browser anymore in the lowest detail..


No one faults you for not knowing much about computers, after all you do game on a mac emot-parrot.gif




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He would be right if I was playing in high detail but I'm not. I'm playing in low detail, with everything at the bare minimum, therefore RS shouldn't be loading all the animations and textures it does for HD in SD. Omali FAIL.



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He would be right if I was playing in high detail but I'm not. I'm playing in low detail, with everything at the bare minimum, therefore RS shouldn't be loading all the animations and textures it does for HD in SD. Omali FAIL.


I won't fault you for thinking that animations and textures are the sole reason why Runescape wouldn't work on your crappy Powerbook, once again because you game on a Mac.




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Doesnt matter. RS barely runs on a Windwos Xp machine I have, as Omali said: As the game evolves, you're going to have to eventually upgrade your PC (Or mac in this case) with it. Which is hard for a mac because Apple are tight wads and very specific with what goes into their machines.


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Doesnt matter. RS barely runs on a Windwos Xp machine I have, as Omali said: As the game evolves, you're going to have to eventually upgrade your PC (Or mac in this case) with it. Which is hard for a mac because Apple are tight wads and very specific with what goes into their machines.

A mac IS a pc. Look up what pc means.

To be honest Runescape is probobly the worst optimised game I've ever seen. I don't know if it's Java limitations or some other stuff, but it's a fact that rs requires way more powerful pc than any other game with similar graphics and AI.

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