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my first pixeling attempt: feed back appreciated


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the new one:
















hi media guys :wink: ,








A bit about me, the artiste








i havent ever realy tryed pixeling before unless you cont the time when i was about 10 and made a pretty little sea scape on ms paint... :D








any way i am very into art in general, i am a recognised grafiti artist in my local area (not a tagger f.y.i.) and i am in the end stages of my art gcses in which i am expected (hopeing) to score well in :wink:








The picture








i have made an attepmt at pixeling for the first time here, as you can see ive put a lot of emphasis on shading, something im always very obsessed with. i think the plate looks a bit stumpy, something im usualy more prone to doing with the legs... but i know how to sort that out. i did this in about 45 minutes just as an attempt and would be very appreciative of feed back on improvements. if the feed back is any where between mediocre and good i may try my hand on making a picture or something similar, though i wont go for an all out sig yet :wink:








id love hints on anything im doing wrong, so i can correct them etc.








p.s. i have never actualy read a pixeling guide, thats on my to do list, this realy was just some thing ive been wanting to try out for a while








thanks guys, harakoni








the new one is of better picture qualtity, though i lost the the arrows should just left em out actualy...

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hara's fight for lvl 85 mining currently at 70!

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Alright, not bad for a first.








A few things though: Its really small, and I cant really seem to pick up all the detail out of it. Also I think you saved it in the wrong format because I can see some colour distortion, make sure you save it as a PNG. Another thing would be that the rune armor is too bright and only the plate is included.








However being an artist from the start, which you are, theres alot of potential for you to become a good pixeler. Try making something on 300 x 150. First sigs are always incomplete and need improvement so just remember, you'll have to keep practising but you will learn something new after every sig you make ;)

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Alright, not bad for a first.








A few things though: Its really small, and I cant really seem to pick up all the detail out of it. Also I think you saved it in the wrong format because I can see some colour distortion, make sure you save it as a PNG. Another thing would be that the rune armor is too bright and only the plate is included.








However being an artist from the start, which you are, theres alot of potential for you to become a good pixeler. Try making something on 300 x 150. First sigs are always incomplete and need improvement so just remember, you'll have to keep practising but you will learn something new after every sig you make ;)








thanks for the tips, relly appreciated yeah im definite i saved it in the wrong format. i have a png of it but i had to use it as a jpeg to upload, iv found a site that will let me upload as png now tho so ill get it from there








the size yeah ill make a bigger one next time. and as for colour i just guessed my colours, but ill put some research in next time.








im using ms paint, does any one have a way that i can make it 300x150 with out actualy couting the pixels?








thanks for the feed back much appreciated

The great NOOB-TIONARY has Return-ed!


hara's fight for lvl 85 mining currently at 70!

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good start. However, it seems his chest is quite enormous and his arms look like bird's legs. I would say make the arms a little thicker? Just a thought, however.












keep it up! :D

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thanks guys, im workin on a new picture now, with a background :shock:








thanks for the sizeing tip and ill work on me proportions, watch this space.








btw trying out grafiti style sigs... any thoughts?

The great NOOB-TIONARY has Return-ed!


hara's fight for lvl 85 mining currently at 70!

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