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eev's pixel sig warehouse


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Guest cubanice

Ok,here's the sigs I been looking for ;) Or the sig maker... :roll: Anyways..here's what I want on mine.








Black ranger with range boots and pirate hat on with a skull ranging people around him.there can be dead people around also.








I want it to say Cubanice on it somewhere.Also the quote 'The Hunger For More' on it somewhere glowing.(or something like glowing)








if you have any questions ask me ;)








Thx,Cuban. 8)

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Guest didgamoo

just b cuz the shop is closed dosnt mean he cant order.. just means shes not makeing.. place an order b 4 time.. and make sure u get it l8r on 8) and yes.. i know august 3rd.. w/e.. lol its the morning of the second.. :( close enough








i would like to que order a siggy.. :) id like an estimate b 4 u make it plz








a warrior with zammy large, rune plate, rune legs, drg sq, drg long, drg ammy... he needs to be wearing a saradomin cape too and to be skulled... cuz hes killing ppl lol








i want "didgamoo99" and "proud member of 'the'" writen on it also i would like "100+ combat" writen on it..








please take off the quotes.. lol 'the' is with apostraphe's on both sides of it.. i dont want that messed up








uhm, i would also like my character to be standing over a few dead bodys, and hitting a guy in mage robes with a staff dosnt matter what kinda staff..








please give me an estimate, if its to much ill fix it up.. high detail version too plz.. :) thx

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just b cuz the shop is closed dosnt mean he cant order.. just means shes not makeing.. place an order b 4 time.. and make sure u get it l8r on 8) and yes.. i know august 3rd.. w/e.. lol its the morning of the second.. :( close enough








i would like to que order a siggy.. :) id like an estimate b 4 u make it plz








a warrior with zammy large, rune plate, rune legs, drg sq, drg long, drg ammy... he needs to be wearing a saradomin cape too and to be skulled... cuz hes killing ppl lol








i want "didgamoo99" and "proud member of 'the'" writen on it also i would like "100+ combat" writen on it..








please take off the quotes.. lol 'the' is with apostraphe's on both sides of it.. i dont want that messed up








uhm, i would also like my character to be standing over a few dead bodys, and hitting a guy in mage robes with a staff dosnt matter what kinda staff..








please give me an estimate, if its to much ill fix it up.. high detail version too plz.. :) thx








1. I wish you could read.




2. I wish you could read.




3. I wish I could read your writing better.




4. I wish you could read.




5. I know who 'the' are.
















6. Im extending it to the 6th. Prices for new orders are on first page.

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Guest cubanice

I knew you were closed..but I posted so you could get my order ahead of time..if there's a problem with that let me know..please.








Btw what is wrong with his writing?It's the same as everyone else's..rite?

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Guest didgamoo

i can read my writeing perfectly fine, if u cant.. then ur comp was screwd up when you were on the forums, and i can wait till the 6th, im in no hurry to get my siggy done..








cuban, lol yes its the same as everyone elses.. :?








and why do u wish i could read? i am very capable of reading, and i have read every post on this topic, yes i know your shop is closed. im not a blithering idiot as you are pointing out... but i deserved that kinda, i had to explain 'the' b cuz it looked funny and i go into good detail with my siggys, and dont repeat yourself 3 times..

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anyone can read their own writing as they had some idea of what they wrote. But I mainly apply this to the first couple of sentences.








and let me rephrase what I said.








I wish you could read and comprehend, your post doesnt leave a good first impression on me :?

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Guest didgamoo

ok.. i said:








i want a warrior. hes wearing a zammy large. its a rune large with a red plume, i like the red, its rsc large also.. i want a rune plate and rune legs, no special zammy or anything, regular rune. i want him to have a dragon sqaure sheild, and a dragon ammy, i want him to be wearing a saradomin cape, and have a skull..








writen on the sig, will be my username. "didgamoo99" my combat lvl. "100+ combat" and my clan name. "proud member of 'the'"








my character is standing over a few dead bodys in rune armour, and an archer. and im hitting a guy in mage robes, with a fire staff or a guthix staff, whatever u wanna do.








non animated, and please give me an estimate, if its good ill pay u extra.. if not.. ill pay u for ur time and prolly still use it..








if you dont understand this time, i give up.. and u lost my business..

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here i want a sig plz too.








i want a ranger in black armor with a white p hat on it and some warriors and mager dead around him on the ground.. i want mam123 write on it and proud member of 'the' clan to and 100+ combat




if do a good 1 ill pay extra too :)


Not a member of 'the'clan anymore :S But still proud that i was one!


-Mam123 ~BanNed~

-Purr Pker ~Main character~

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thats too complex for limits and what I can do..




with that animation I have to draw each frame




to make it not look like a loop, which I probably wouldnt be able to do anyway... It'd need more then 30 k




can't do too much to make it look smooth in 30k, I had to cut down the size and frames (6 to 5) in my last animated one...




I like my sigs to be unique in their own way, and not be too similar :P




while im at it, I already have 10 orders to work on so












all requests, including this one im afraid will be rejected. :P








read the bolded parts.




Also it has now been extended to the 6th, I will then be taking in limited numbers.




Even if you post on the 6th, It wont count until I reopen.








secondly im male.








thirdly I already have a list of the order in which I am making the sigs, with estimates on how much they will cost.








If you had read every post, you would know these things. *points to avatar* -.-

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Guest didgamoo





thats too complex for limits and what I can do..




with that animation I have to draw each frame




to make it not look like a loop, which I probably wouldnt be able to do anyway... It'd need more then 30 k




can't do too much to make it look smooth in 30k, I had to cut down the size and frames (6 to 5) in my last animated one...




I like my sigs to be unique in their own way, and not be too similar :P




while im at it, I already have 10 orders to work on so












all requests, including this one im afraid will be rejected. :P








read the bolded parts.




Also it has now been extended to the 6th, I will then be taking in limited numbers.




Even if you post on the 6th, It wont count until I reopen.








secondly im male.








thirdly I already have a list of the order in which I am making the sigs, with estimates on how much they will cost.








If you had read every post, you would know these things. *points to avatar* -.-








ive read every post in the forums... im not a moron, b 4 the 3rd its rejected.. extended to the 6th yea yea.. o well.. im posting it now.. and ill post it again on the 7th.. so w/e.. ill just copy and past it at like 2 am on the 7th.. itll be fine with me.. i just wanted my sig, but no.. u cant even put up a que line.. mmmkay.. ill just post back on the 7th.. yes i know pixle sigs r hard as hell and very time consumeing to make.. but just cuz ur closed it dosnt mean i have no say in requesting a sig ahead of time, o yes.. u said u would reject it.. well would u rather loose business b cuz i had to wait to type up what i wanted? hmm.. nah... cuz u seem to gladly waste ur time makeing sigs for people instead of playing rs, which the sigs r for, and is what ur getting the money on.. yea.. i dont think u want to loose money from an order b cuz it was posted 22 hours b 4 ur shop was SUPPOSED to open back up..

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I make the sigs for the benifit of my art skills. the cash is a bonus, I dont play rs much nowdays.




The reason why I closed was so I dont get huge queues. If I get huge queues, by the time I get around to the sig people can decide they dont want it anymore. or they could run out of cash, or I might not feel like doing it anymore. The only reason why I had such a huge queue before was because it was my first time making sigs.




Now that ive learnt better my queues wont be getting so big.




I need breaks, If I make too many too quickly ill get bored and be put off as I have already started to do. And I need things to do in real life, such as going out and homework. :roll:




The reason why I changed the deadline is because I thought I'd have more done by then. But as I havent, i'm giving myself more time, by which time my load will be hopefully lighter.








and please learn to type, it was hard enough reading your first post. Though not on this topic... I do not wish to continue this further, nor will I be making you a sig. Dignity is more important then pixelated money.

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Ahhh forgot the text... :x




anyway, whadya think? I could make it alot better.... but 50k if you want it like this cell_snake :P (after I add text of course :))








Ive also started, and nearly finished beanso's at school when there was nothing else to do in IT (stupid school has everything except .edu sites blocked out, with few exceptions.)

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eev do i am in ur list or i will need to repost?








you will need to repost once Ive declared myself open, sometime on the 6th of August. :P

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hey just wondering is myn done yet cuz im goining on hollidays in 2 days so if i wont replay dont sell it cuz im in spain for 2 weeks then :)















DK Drop list : Dragon axe : 2 Bezerker ring's : 4 Warrior ring's : 5

Seers rings : 1

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ok ive finished beansos at school... and im halfway through ironqontrols one, done both characters with shading and now working on bg.








yours im afraid i havent started :P




I shud start today/tommorrow :P

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oke if i dont replay im on holidays so dont sell it please :)












how long? :P








pwned... heres yours :)








85k wud do me good :P

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Yo Eve I don't know if you sell those same sigs in Runevillage but I found a guy there that is using one of your sigs:
















I was browing RV for fun when I came accross that guy with the sig I recognized as made by you. If you did sell it to him, then it's all good, lol.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Yo Eve I don't know if you sell those same sigs in Runevillage but I found a guy there that is using one of your sigs:
















I was browing RV for fun when I came accross that guy with the sig I recognized as made by you. If you did sell it to him, then it's all good, lol.








No I didnt, my sigs would be saved in a high quality gif format, and they wouldnt be sold to multiple people :P




thanx :) 3rd person to steal my sig, I know im good now lol








I have now pmed a board moderator about him.. are they the right people to pm? :P

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