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Rapier/Boxer Pure *Help Please*


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I know this part of the forums is spammed with these nooby threads but i think my case is more unique than your regular build.


Ive been leeching dg floors for a while and hopefully will have enough token for a rapier by next weekend :D. Heres my question;




Im looking to make a good build for boxing/rapier staking. I imagine fights with only weps on is very similiar to boxing so heres the stats I was thinking:



80 att

70 str

80 def

99 hp


*93 Cmb*


This would hopefully allow me to outlast the people I fight, since my hp would be higher than anybody my lvl and the def would probably allow me to tank a fair amount.



-Is this a good stat build for what im after?

-Are there alot of lvl 90ish rapier stakers already out there

-Will i pwn O:)




Thanks, sorry for another stat build thread :/



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99 att + 99 str + 99 def + 99hp + 1 prayer + rapier @ 113 combat is the best build.


your build sounds okay, maybe 85 def + 1 more combat level would be worth it but? Remember - strength is helluva overrated. I keep fighting guys with 99 att + str but only 75-85 def and I just go through them, even though I only use the trusty whip and they might pull a rapier or vls on me :P

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I doubt there's many Rapier stakers at combat ~90.


That build sounds good, however I think you'll get there only to find yourself leveling up to 113. Go for it, if it's not commonly done, you might be on to a winner! Good luck :)

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