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Can anyone suggest a way for me to make some cash? I'm trying to merch and have made around 2.5 million in 3 days. I'm pretty sure I could do better than that with the 41m I have to use. I've been doing the buy max/sell min to determine price thing which has helped a lot, but most items have a very small profit (~0.5%).


So any merchanting tips would be great, and other things I can do for money. Also what herbs should I plant? I seem to remember doing avantoes before I stopped playing but can't remember :P.


Edit: Anyone know where I can find a list of items in the 1-3m range? ge toplist is only 5m+

Edit again: Just made 200k somehow doing the buy high/sell low test lol something tells me not to try and flip those :lol:

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If I remember correctly, Snapdragons are best money maker at your level of farming with and without Juju potions. A less cash intensive option would be Toadflax as bots can't get it from the Garden and it has a relatively "high" demand as it goes into Saradomin brews. I switched from Snaps to Toadflax myself so I had more cash to merch with instead of a big pile of seeds 'cause I'm super lazy. :thumbsup:



As for merching, .5% profit is a bit low, true enough, but if it's something you can flip very fast that's not bad. I flipped with about a 50m cash stack while charm hunting or Mithril Dragon slaying and most of my profits were about 2%. It didn't take long to get what I needed for Turmoil. Best advice I can give is don't give up and keep looking for items, specifically niche items (that's what I did, and no I'm not telling you which ones! :razz: ) rather than bulk goods that have a massive supply and are traded constantly. Not to say you can't profit off that stuff, but it's tiny usually.



I think the usual stuff like Green Dragons are still 1mil+ an hour and Frosts a bit more, even with the bot infestation. I've never actually done these, before or after bots, so I'll let someone who knows better take over.

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If I remember correctly, Snapdragons are best money maker at your level of farming with and without Juju potions. A less cash intensive option would be Toadflax as bots can't get it from the Garden and it has a relatively "high" demand as it goes into Saradomin brews. I switched from Snaps to Toadflax myself so I had more cash to merch with instead of a big pile of seeds 'cause I'm super lazy. :thumbsup:



As for merching, .5% profit is a bit low, true enough, but if it's something you can flip very fast that's not bad. I flipped with about a 50m cash stack while charm hunting or Mithril Dragon slaying and most of my profits were about 2%. It didn't take long to get what I needed for Turmoil. Best advice I can give is don't give up and keep looking for items, specifically niche items (that's what I did, and no I'm not telling you which ones! :razz: ) rather than bulk goods that have a massive supply and are traded constantly. Not to say you can't profit off that stuff, but it's tiny usually.



I think the usual stuff like Green Dragons are still 1mil+ an hour and Frosts a bit more, even with the bot infestation. I've never actually done these, before or after bots, so I'll let someone who knows better take over.


Ok toadflax it is. I guess I'll look into more items, I've mostly been doing mainstream things like whips and stuff. What is better, taking up your mechanting cash with thousands of items, or like 10 expensive ones?

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You can always split them.


It always depends on exactly what item you can get.

If you can find a low cost item with a high turnover rate - that's definately the best.

However, if you can't - you can always find easy to flip items.

One way that might help you flip faster is to buy at a slightly higher price and sell at a slightly lower price. It cuts into your profit but it's worth it (especially for higher priced items) if you have more items to flip.

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Word of advice, don't flip things like whips that are "mainstream" but specifically, don't flip whips. There's a constant supply coming into the game nearly, not many going out with the items kept on death changes and as more people get Chaotics the less point there is in buying one. From all the topics and guides I've read, anything that's crashing that hard is a bad idea.


To give you a better idea what I was doing, I made the ~30m or so I needed for turmoil in a little over a week flipping items I could buy large quantities of every 4 hours (5k+) that had a fast resell rate (which erases the 4 hour timer once you sell 'em). At times I would have something like 30k selling and as many as I could afford buying. Once you find a solid item, preferably at least three, you can really rake it in without having to gamble on items that rise and fall every week or so.


I had 3 items myself, 2 crashed after a few days but the last one I flipped till I had all I needed then cashed out 90% of my value to buy turmoil. I don't recommend doing that, cashing out all your value for something, but I'm impatient with time on my hands, and the waste seemed justified.


TL;DR: Just kidding, go read it.


Don't give up though, you'll find items that will work for you and once you do it comes so easy. I didn't think I could either till I finally found what worked, and now I'm sold. :^_^:

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I don't see where I asked for an item, if you guys think I'm asking for items you're meching now I'm not. My last post was asking if the graph had anything to do with what a "solid" item is.


I'm also still wondering what else I can do for money, only thing so far is greens/frosts.

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Seems like everything is crashing to me. Is a solid item one that has a flat graph like a rune scim? or is it one that just isn't crashing hard/going up a lot?



That's a stable item, it's possible to make some profit off things like that but not a whole lot. I tried that with rune platebodies, which have a 100 at a time limit. Took forever to fill, longer to sell, and only like ~20k profit or so. Not exactly the road to riches (or Turmoil) I was looking for. :shame:


An excelent guide to flipping that another posted here in a different moneymaking thread is My link.


It is NOT my guide, and I forget who the original posters tip.it account is, but it had good graphs explaining what was good, bad and mediocre to flip with. Sadly, the entire Curse network seems to be down with hardware issues ( :wall: ). Check it when it's back up, really helped me get an idea what to look for, then I just started running items and "roles" through my head to find niche items to test out. Easily the best guide on using the GE that I've read in years of lurking. :^_^:


Once you know what to look for, just start buying and selling single items at min/max to test it till you get a solid profit % and quick returns. You don't want it to take too long to fill or sell, or to hold onto stacks of stuff too terribly long as it could crash and cost you money. Tip: "too long" is subjective; I'm lazy and not very risky so I went for fast returns.


Persistence pays off, keep at it.


Edit: Forgot to ask, do you do your Kingdom daily/weekly? Free cash basically as long as you keep ~1250k in there or so. Best setup is like 9maple/6coal or mahogany I think, if you collect weekly, or 10/5 if daily. This changes often so I would check the RSWikia calculator to see what yields the best combination.

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It is actually the other way around. 9/6 if you collect daily; 10/5 if you collect weekly.



Really? Cause as I recall it was you who was the one cussing me at base. Also, re-read what you just said: one 15 second delay (which is an exaggeration to begin with) ruins floor times? You are beyond ridiculous.

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Seems like everything is crashing to me. Is a solid item one that has a flat graph like a rune scim? or is it one that just isn't crashing hard/going up a lot?



That's a stable item, it's possible to make some profit off things like that but not a whole lot. I tried that with rune platebodies, which have a 100 at a time limit. Took forever to fill, longer to sell, and only like ~20k profit or so. Not exactly the road to riches (or Turmoil) I was looking for. :shame:


While this statement is true, it's not exactly the reason why items such as rune scimitars aren't very profitable. Generally speaking, f2p armors and weapons hang around the high alch mark. Since so many people love to alch, the profit margins on these items are always terrible. It is for those reasons that these items should be avoided.


I have found that using charts, in reference to flipping, is largely ineffective. If you were trying to gauge a item to invest in (long term), charts may prove to be useful. Since flipping should be instantaneous (or as close to instantaneous as possible), long term trends are irrelevant. You should instead focus on searching for items that have a decent profit margin and have a high turnover rate. Niche items' prices may change constantly. It's important to check prices frequently.

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Thanks for all the advice guys, I'm out of ideas for merchanting :cry: tried for an hour and a half this morning and like 2 hours yesterday but couldn't find anything so I guess it's just dragons for me. Does anyone know a better way to make money that isn't merchanting or dragons?

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I would like to add that for slayer - it's not like you're gaining tons and tons of profit.

You make a little bit of money (more then enough to cover pots) and then some on the side.

Most people advocate training slayer because if you want to level it - there's really no super fast way then just grinding it out.


Of course this can change if you're yakking or taking multiple trips for dragons/black demons/etc


Again, there's really nothing better then dragons/frost other then bossing

You have pretty decent combat levels but I noticed that you don't have turmoil (and you probably don't have chaotics?)

^This would put you down at a disadvantage for bossing (mainly Bandos - cause everybody and their mother loves to crash that) and duo-ing, tro-ing isn't as much profit.

You could try out T.Ds/Tribriding Daggs although I don't know how well it would work out for you.


However - if you keep doing dailies/herb runs/etc and DG for the time being.

You should have a pretty decent cashpile to work with.

Keep trying out items to flip - if your profit margins are huge, try to minimize that by either buying at a higher price for faster buys and selling at a lower price for faster sells.

Merch-ing really isn't as good as it used to be and the market is pretty unstable at times.

If multiple people start trying to flip your item, it could happen that you lose a bunch as they crash

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It is actually the other way around. 9/6 if you collect daily; 10/5 if you collect weekly.


Flax and mining are the most profit now. You could try maples if you feel lucky with the seeds, so 9 on flax and 6 on maples might be a good idea.

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