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The walk-stop syndrome...


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I recently upgraded my OS to winXP pro. And when i logged in to RS after the installation... i noticed that my char. was stopping every few steps she took. I tried loggin in frm Firefox, IE(6) and RS' windows client. The same thing happens..... :(




This problem did not occur when i was still using Win98(Yeah u got that right win98). I dont think its the problem of the processor or the ram (celeron 1.8GHz+256 ram). I have the lastest version of Sun java(JRE 5.0 update 6)








Can any1 tell me wat the problem is? N how to fix it? :?








off-topic: any1 noe why there are some char. in RS that stand in a veri awkward fashion?(think *stiff-like*)

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look for any proccesors or programs in taskmanager that are using alot of memory and close them if u dont need 2 run them, since its an older computer ( 1.8GHz and 256ram) it might be stressing since windows xp takes alot more then 98 to run normally so try making it easier close things like limewire,itunes, downloading programs or whatever thats not essentialfor your computer 2 run.

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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Instead of typing the same again I just copied what I write on my owne website about java. Else it have been long time since I was on this forum :twisted:








This can be your problems that I believe it is, but it can also be wrong, as specs for ppl's computer today is so different.




















I would use the right version for that java game I was playing or program I was using. If program was build for MS java I would use MS java and SUN java if it was build on SUN java.








The reason to do this is that since SP2 to XP people have had allot of problems with SUN java. If you have strange problems with SUN java, it's not necessary because you don't know how to configure it, as some people will claim.








Problems and strange behaviors:








In games you movement are like 1 step - stop - 1 step etc, often followed by lag in game.








Fan in computer running at full speed and sounds like a airplane just going to land in you bag yard.








Time running 3x times faster and start running normal as soon you close the program. "

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i just tried eeeediot's suggestion.. It worked like a charm!




thx eeediot :D but there is 1 thing i need to noe.. is there an alternative to solving this problem? like adding more RAM or watever not.




Thx again to all who tried to help :D

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Problems and strange behaviors:
















Fan in computer running at full speed and sounds like a airplane just going to land in you bag yard.
















how do you fix this problem and what does it mean?

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