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Animated Sigs?


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I was wondering, is there anyone on tip.it good enough who can make a WIP signature, but have it animated? Such as actual combat going on or fighting?








There are only a few people I can think of who could ever possibly do that kind of thing.








Anyways, if so, I plan to buy one for around 20M in the future. My idea, would be someone in Dharokish Armor with a Great Axe (me), fighting off hundreds of other creatures with the big lvl 702 Jad, in the backround. As if fighting your way through to kill it.








I'm not buying it for quite a while, but I was hoping someone would be good enough to be able to do that kind of thing for when I actually make a post to buy it?

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Hehe :oops: I thought WIP was something different than Pixels. The kind I meant though, are those one's that look kind of shiny, and nonpixeled. Also, Yea, a finished one :P








The last one I saw like this, I think might of been misterxman. If not, someone a while back posted one with a guy in dragon, chopping about 3 heads off of people in 1 swing, I couldn't find it though.








This is the kind closest I can find.









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Yes, something like that, but with more frames so it doesn't look as "comic stippish."








If someone had the right program, they could move joints and that kind of thing on their bodies. Something like this. Eg.









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