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Activity Guide Name idiosyncrasies.

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Just noticed these as technically incorrect, and no real reason for them to be so thought I'd highlight them:


1) Tai Bwo Wanni Clean-Up is titled Jungle Clean-up on the activities page; but correctly everywhere else.

2) Mange Thy Kingdom is titled Kingdom Managing on activites pages; also named correctly everywhere else.

3) Shades of Mort'ton has major issues all over the shop:

Activities page calls it Temple Building, but nowhere else does.

The page itself is titled Temple Building/Shades of Mort'ton which looks messy and can really be contracted to jsut shades of mort'ton

Swamp paste links: Mort'ton Temple Building (Splitbark Armour) Activity should probably just be shades of mort'ton

Limestone Bricks links titles it Splitbark Armour guide, should be shades of mort'ton

Timber Beam doesn't even link to it, only the quest guide

Flamtaer Hammer again splitbark armour guide in links instead of shades of mort'ton

Olive oil same as flamtaer hammer

Sacred oil says temple building guide rather than shades of mort'ton

All the shades reference temple building instead of shades of mort'ton in the items and beastiary

Fine cloth is reference splitbark armour guide not shades of mort

Shade skull links to same page twice and both references are randomly titled

Necromancer items also say temple building

the necromancer staves are weird link name too

splitbark are referencing splitbark armour guide

All the keys reference splitbark armour guide too

Gold key has double link again and weird name

pyre logs is splitbark armour guide again


So yeah shades of mort'ton has like 8 different guide names all linking to same place which seems rather messy and inconsistant


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Just to add on to Sy's post, it appears that Jagex has reversed its decision and done away with Activities references. The KB now reflects the category as Minigames, and references to Activities appear to have been removed.


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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Just to add on to Sy's post, it appears that Jagex has reversed its decision and done away with Activities references. The KB now reflects the category as Minigames, and references to Activities appear to have been removed.


Holy inconvenient batman.


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