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Everything posted by Cowman_133

  1. Try editing your first post now and let me know if it doesn't work. GZ on the Necromancy gains.
  2. Editing is disabled on super old posts as we've had issues with people's accounts being compromised and all old posts edited to turn into spam, which is super hard to clean up. I'll see if I can lift that on a case by case basis so you can edit your top post.
  3. Sorry all cleaned up! Yeah - we will look into restricting registrations or posting permissions for new members.
  4. The main RS3 game already seemed to have it's course firmly set towards pay to win / bonkers exp boosts in addition to the unpopular EOC update. As someone who has not played it since the EOC update, it is basically unrecognizable now. I picked up RuneScape again in 2019 - initially it was the nostalgia that engaged me, but it was new content that hooked me back in to the point I am still currently playing OSRS. I think for a lot of current OSRS players, it is the difference between playing a game similar to the original vibe of RuneScape or not playing at all, and Jagex would have been dumb to leave that on the table once it was proven that old school as a concept could work.
  5. Funnily enough, I actually got into RuneScape again since December by getting into OSRS. Renewed my membership and everything... Not sure how long that will last, but so far it has been a blast and I've already achieved 99 cooking.
  6. Figured I could lend a little spare time trying to banish the spambots and keep an eye on the report queue - but I've been away from the game for years and don't plan on getting back into it. I'm still active on the Tip.It/RuneScript IRC community (https://rscript.org/chat) though the RuneScript project is basically in the same state as this site. Not really sure what the future of this website is - but it was too sad to see it overrun by spambots for me to not at least help with that. Please feel free to keep reporting anything especially egregious for action right away. I'll be doing what I can in the backend to mitigate and purge spam as well.
  7. ADVERTISER: Google AdChoices LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CxF9Vm3QgVY6yMIbppAP2sYHAD7bX8vQE_sOH3oEBltzJ2uMBEAEgt6CRJWD9wK6B9AOgAfCtnv4DyAECqAMByAPBBKoEY0_QIqhCXEVXKk6vr6g_f7G_D2A-byft0oK197h48GNUDMWNy9iESeQr7AaqQwWUlAED9RNtcb0mFd3w7IKjwxAzIep7hyHy-ngJMocZgeHYggWRNHrouY6xhbEd0OSH3zogmIgGAaAGAoAH-NHhAdgHAQ&num=1&cid=5GhtvoPedlNK2WhR3IxBQnA8&sig=AOD64_356a1Rhij2EKRR0eGTTcfK_ewPxQ&client=ca-pub-9186879237539752&adurl=http://www.rpgstash.com/runescape/%3Fa_aid%3Dadwords-s&nm=6&mb=2&bg=!-fpEFkqNQMIkCgcCAAAALFIAAAAXKgE9G-Q2LBPeuui7ovuwjrs4WUA2ZK8D_3c7B50jUggmXEjFmpxOUSDyxS6zjMtBbVzXjhKYeRja4KXQJgD8B0yuHy9BuQdf81ITxeVOH3RBaXbreSW13ABkPncXhrprYXGukpdWki3vMvRGlPTMzJmhaFSEE3bSFq8wfMEmkgMkGN_Yj_g4AUGXvngmjjzja7PNEeA0FwnVGYIRQ5jpdxG2akspmsVJ-EtnKjWcUXy7fhI0btiL9tX908bFi7p35p_-pyJyFkbGgkYFUtwCbUD9deHZ6zkMXtBECmoD__XIk04J8-mx2cC7d4wBZz2SEdOro2aT-lqH3ruhBC7GWWGYhycu6-yPD7TPqBKcIzF_cS7uEYp1ITvDiXrQE6NkGwvTMA-kBiIPekkkqzxi-HsFgqv5gzvbciJH_sFqgjI TYPE: Side banner SITE: RPGStash MY LOCATION: Canada REASON: RS Gold Seller
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