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The Grand Exchange Scammed Me!!!!


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Alright, sorry for the picture size, and it's sloppy cropping/untidy appearance.



I was flipping super restores, when I realised it was either not giving me the correct amount of items when buying, or it wasn't giving me the right amount of gp for selling. About 2 minutes before I started this flip, I sold 11 super restores for 86k or something, when it should have been over 120-130k @ 11980gp ea. It happened right after I bought 1 super restore off myself, to be sure I had the lowest price selling.



Started with: 37,564,072gp (top left pic, in the chatbox)

Buying for: 11,435gp each

Bought: 237/1000 super restore (4)'s, have 236 in inventory. 2,710,095gp for 237 / 237 = 11435gp per.


Cancelled my offer, withdrew the 8724k, examined my money pouch. Total afterward 34,876,847gp. 34,876,847 + 2,710,095 = 37,586,942gp..??? I didn't start out with that, and is more than 1 restore missing.


Bottom left offer pic: Selling the 236 (supposed to be 237), total that n see if it adds up correctly, if you want.

Bottom middle pic: My GE history showing what I had done prior to trying to sell these 236 potions (couldnt take a pic of that because someone trumped my offer and I would've deleted most of my history trying to find his price).



What...the helllllllll... Just happened..???


I also was flipping yesterday morning for 3-4 hours straight, expecting my money pouch to increase by 2000-3500k+. I made 400k total, and I flipped at least 15 times with 5 different items, for 100-450k profit per flip. And on top of -that-, Wioneo had bought 25k fire runes about 1 week ago and got 1M gp back. What the hell is wrong with the GE? Am I seeing shit or is this real?


EDIT: Just sold my super restores for...


27 sold for 323,460gp - 11980gp each offer. Math says = 11980gp each.

147 sold for 1,759,590gp - 11970gp each offer. Math says = 11970gp each.

64 sold for 765,440gp - 11960gp each offer. Math says = 11960gp each.


27 64 147 = 238, I bought one super rest twice to see who was lowest gp sale offer. Still 236 originally.

Total amount of gp after sale: 37,701,397gp

Total amount of gp from supers: 2,848,490gp = Average price of 11968.445gp


Total profit: 138,395gp. Difference between 11,435 and 11,968.445 = 533.445 * 238 = 126,959.91gp profit.

37,701,397gp (end total) - 37,564,072gp (start total) = 137,325gp (total gain). Give or take a few potions sold for loss to check price.



What the hell is wrong with the GE?...Like I don't get it, is my math wrong?


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Yeah, I'm making a handful of cash it looks like, even though the GE is calculating something wrong.


But my point is I have proof of it messing up just a -little- bit. I said it messed up hardcore yesterday morning, and again with Wioneo (he totally should not have gotten that much gp back). Wait until the GE calculates completely wrong and someone loses like 10-200M off something stupid.


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