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DS vs DI + Exer


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So the fight begins between spider hill and the single area east of rune rocks. Dark Slayers quickly gained dominance over the single and south western most parts of the battle grounds while Damage Inc gained and maintained controll over the eastern battle front (primarily spider hill). At first the fght consisted only of DI and DS, however then we received a visitor... Excer. For roughly two hours Excer fought below the main fight killing off stragglers from both clans. However as the fight progressed it seemed as if DI and Excer had made an unwritten truce amongst each other. Excer blamed DS for making them team with DI stating that we were hunting them previously and he wanted revenge. While Excer may have come to the fight at their own request, they clearly fought alongside Damage Inc., a statement that can not be argued apon. DI later claimed that they did not want Excer there and did not want to have to team upon Dark Slayers, however while DS attempted to kill Excer on many occasions during the fight, DI had no motivation to help get rid of the crashers and continued to go after DS.
















Well no rules were really established mostly because of the fact that it was only a PK run-in and not a mini-war/war. However, to my understanding all clans followed the unofficial rules of the wilderness (no tele, running, etc., etc.). Neither team was entirely successful in eliminating cheating, but at a fight of this scale I believe it was kind of expected that a few minor things would happen.








Pre-War Options








Dark Slayers: 200 [waiting for confirmation picture]




Damage Inc.: 175 Options [waiting for confirmation picture]




Excer: 60 [waiting for confirmation picture]








The Fight
































































































































































































The Video








Still waiting on a video, however the quality may be lacking. It will be very hard to make a relatively small video (file size) with over four and a half hours of footage. Not to mention it is highly unlikely that anyone survived the entire fight so it may be split into parts.








Post-War Options








Dark Slayers left wilderness with a very estimated, 200 options. Damage Inc's options are unknown at the moment, as well as Excer's.
















So as I said before, DI/Excer and DS fought for over four and a half hours. At many different times it seemed that a victor was only a few minutes away, however that was not the case. So after all the fighting we still had no clear winner, and people were continueing to poor into the battle field. At the very end of the fight orange and purple capes began to mingle with red, black, and yellow capes. I am not sure who the newcomers were, but at this time DS felt it was time to leave.








A retreat?












A retreat in fear of loss?




















The pictures shown here are merily a compilation off of Dark Slayers forums. I do not claim credit for any of these pictures except for my own.








The use of this post on any other website without permission from the author is prohibited - ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé Dark Slayers - 2006

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Exer was killing both.








Di had 175 or something opts in the beginning I suppose.












4+ hours fight. o,o

Damage Incorporated For Life

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Heres a quote from Supa Vegeta on Dark Slayers forums. By reading it, you will understand clearly that Excer had every intention of going after soley Dark Slayers.











46 kills, 1 death.








And if you guys talks about respect then you should not be hypocrit. We was having a smal mini war with a clan at rune rocks, then you guys suddenlee coming in and crash it.








Maybe u guys didnt know, but it does means you guys was hunting exer. So dont talk about respect, because you guys prolly didnt even had.








Most DS are becoming arrogance lately because they are in number 1, slowely people arent nice nomore like they was before.








Even an old classmate Panzer Pure bsed me when you guys crashed or mini war. Prolly because you guys care more about pixels then about respect.








Go flame me here , because i actually dont care. At least I dont lie here and being a hypocrit.








You guys tells that DI are hypocrits and those kind of story, but same time you are telling that exer are dam lame for what we have done today.








In matter of fact there wasnt even a official war, or a official mini war, so basely we didnt even crashed, and in matter of time we have teamed with DI indeed.








There wasnt anarchy or any clan, only exer and DI. GO flame, go tell me am a noob, yu can even hunt exer down. But at least i dont lie and at least i dont crash wars.








If it was accident, then your members shouldnt flame us there when they crashed it.








Anyway in my eyes i thought it was a great long fight, and whatever lol.








Gl anyway.








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first few hours we fought for ourself, but in matter of time when ds was running to non multi all times we stardet to team.








Doesnt means DI won because we helped them lmao, because whats 40 opts? lol.








Yet we had alot kills lmao because thse opts was enough to kill more then 100 ds peeps .

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Stop contradicting yourself. You say that Excer's pressence was not significant in the outcome, then you say your clan killed one-hundred Dark Slayers alone, and even before that you said you killed fourty-six people alone. Please pick one and go with it (for the sake of you not looking like a moron to the clan community).








All in all, I have a major lack of respect for Excer as a clan now. Before it was just you, but now its everything, appears you have been given Mitus' Touch, of [cabbage] that is.

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Grats to DI on the win :twisted:








Pretty sure that was already discussed on RSC and the outcome was that DI did not win. But lets not bring that flame war here.

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Where did I say that DS won. It was because of your arrogance we had a null fight. If Excer had not have crashed we probably would have seen a winner (DS), however that didnt happen so I think it would be in DI's favor to accept a null fight.








Even so, it was a PK run in so the fight is only worth mentioning. I would say the clan affected the most by this fight was in fact Excer. DS and DI put up a very long fight and did basically what would have been expected of them. However Excer walks away looking like an idiot for crashing. So Supa, just close your mouth, because every time you open it you just degrade yourself even more. And I, being the kind and caring person that I am, would not like to see you desicrate yourself even more.

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though i did notice exer was attacking ds more than they attacked di members, its not fair to say di and ever vs ds. exer had like 15 people max when i saw their option count with every1 following supa. when di fights ds and a ds allie it will be 200 opts of ds and 150 or so of an allie.

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What other clan are you talking about that DS will team up with? I think you are mistaking 'The' Alliance with DS because DS has not teamed up with any clan for the sole purpose of killing DI. Perhaps if you look back far enough in the history of clans you may find a small handful of instances of DS teaming, however by having to do so does it not lose its revelance to this topic?

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Where did I say that DS won. It was because of your arrogance we had a null fight. If Excer had not have crashed we probably would have seen a winner (DS), however that didnt happen so I think it would be in DI's favor to accept a null fight.








Even so, it was a PK run in so the fight is only worth mentioning. I would say the clan affected the most by this fight was in fact Excer. DS and DI put up a very long fight and did basically what would have been expected of them. However Excer walks away looking like an idiot for crashing. So Supa, just close your mouth, because every time you open it you just degrade yourself even more. And I, being the kind and caring person that I am, would not like to see you desicrate yourself even more.








1: Exer did not crash.




2: Its not a null fight.




3: Di won.




4: It was a pk run in(you just sad it ).




5: You walk away(Exer is not a idiot)But you are acting like 1 now.




6: And the way some Ds members are are talking, is verry degrading.




7: funny that a number 1 clan is threatening Exer.




8: And we did help you in the past a few time, then i did not hear a single complain from you.




9: Do wat you want to do, let all the clans see how sad you are.








And its Exer, not Excer.

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Meh, I wouldn't really call it a congratulations on beating DS. Everyone knows that if DI were to mini DS and not have another clan on their side that DS would win (as they have every war in the past with any clan including DI).








It's not really an accomplishement when 2 clans beat 1. It's actually kind of funny that DS left the wilderness with 200ish opts when they were fighting against the #2 clan along with another.








;) Go DS.

117 Combat


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Meh, I wouldn't really call it a congratulations on beating DS. Everyone knows that if DI were to mini DS and not have another clan on their side that DS would win (as they have every war in the past with any clan including DI).








It's not really an accomplishement when 2 clans beat 1. It's actually kind of funny that DS left the wilderness with 200ish opts when they were fighting against the #2 clan along with another.








;) Go DS.








Everyone knows that DS can't defeat DI without the help from Third party.








In this case, the fight was only delayed due to Majority of DS camping in single while Majority of DI being East at Spider hill waiting for DS.








Rather interesting picture












A very nice picture taken by DS, shows that the majority of DS was hiding in single compared to 1 or 2 DI member fighting DS in single zone. (Rest of Di was located at East in MULTI)

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Exer had 40 opt lol, and after 1 ouwer like 20,








So if Ds thinks thy can win in a official war, why dont Ds war Di again 8)








I know thy wont do that :lol:








DS already declared on DI and won. If DI wants it so bad then why do they not extend the invitation?








On a side note, if you were actually at the fight, or were at the fight and not biased, then you would know that Exer had more than twenty options the entire fight. Fourty options after four hours can make quite an impact, especially when it is the difference between being outnumbered and not.

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you say ds has never teamed with another clan to kill di? false. i remember several times when td was still strong that you had td hold your hands while you came and killed us because you weren't capable of doing it yourselves.












this fight really proved nothing. no clan can really say they won, because both sides took a lot of losses.

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