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Maybe its because im getting a lot older now but that was just childish rubbish.








I wholeheartedly agree..








Fart jokes haven't been seriously funny since I was in.. let's see.. 4th grade-ish.. :-/








The story also seems to have some underlying racism, but, I won't go there.








Oh right, I get it. As soon as someone describes the person behind them as having black skin, then they're a racist.

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I've been in a situation like that before. I was in a 3-hour final and I had to release some gas from lunch time ( I love campus food) and instead of trying to ease it out I held it in with my superior * muscles. The reasult: the biggest groaning noises coming out of my intestines ever. The girl next to me gave me a look, it was AWESOME.








My stomach rumbles regularly at 3rd and 4th hour :lol:








"I've got the rumblehs in my tumbleh" if anyone looks








:lol: That happens to me... all day. I don't eat lunch at school. It's way too nasty. :?

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Dahahahahah! That was amusing.




Something that tastes really, REALLY bad is drinking milk after you eat a grapefruit. I'd imagine that fossilised Easy Mac pales in comparison to THAT.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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