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Lava flow mine requirements

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Sorry if is a duplicate or the wrong place for this

I am new to these forums


the requirements on tip it are wrong for the lava flow mine aren't they?


You must complete "Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf" to enter the lava flow mines, or am I doing something wrong?

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Heya :),


welcome to the tip.it forums.


On what page does it say this?


I'm looking at http://www.tip.it/ru...a_flow_mine.htm and it looks ok there.


To gain access to the lava flow mines you need to do King of the Dwarves. Forgiveness of a chaos dwarf is needed in the sense that it's needed for King of the Dwarves but it's not a direct requirement.



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Only mine page that mentions Forgivness would be:



But that's an entirely different mine.


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