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I was browsing through the graveyard forum.. until i realized i downloaded a keyloger which i thought to be a video. What do i do?????? i've spent so much time on my acccount.. i dont have a bank pin.. and i dont know what to do!! someone please help me!!!

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Well first off, if you haven't logged onto Runescape, just remain off of it until your computer is cleaned up. Second off read this sticky it may give you alittle help to shut down the process before you attempt to remove it. Hopefully you have some sort of Antivirus software on your computer, if you do run a full scan on your computer. If you don't have any Antivirus software theres a few good free scanners out there. Just search google for "free antivirus scanner", the first few that come up are pretty good to use.








Hopefully that helps you out until someone more experienced comes along to help you out.












[Edit] On that link I posted I realized there is a full list of free Antivirus software links you can use. Just scroll down the page about 3/4 down. Hopefully that helps you out.

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thanks. but i was on runescape while i downloaded the vid n' i opened it too.. im running 3 virus scans, on norton antivirus.. n' my mate told me to download trojanhunter. n' im doing that now. But i wont log on until im 100% sure that its off. thaks anyway. I'll stay here n' wait for more help.

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thanks. but i was on runescape while i downloaded the vid n' i opened it too.. im running 3 virus scans, on norton antivirus.. n' my mate told me to download trojanhunter. n' im doing that now. But i wont log on until im 100% sure that its off. thaks anyway. I'll stay here n' wait for more help.








if you RAN the video AFTER you logged in and HAVE NOT ENTERED your rs password anywhee your safe
















(I LOST 3/4 of a BILLION GP because i did not have one)








clean your computer you shoudl find it...


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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thanks guys. how do i know if its a key loger or not? btw. what does trojan files do? i got 5 files infected... :s




Copy and Paste what your virusscanner picked up or post a screenshot. Let the AntiVirus software remove the Trojans. Run a HiJackThis scan like weezcake said and post the log here so that someone more experienced can see look at it and help you out to see if it's completely removed.

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but if i have a laptop. will i be able to log in there without getting hit? and if i restart the whole system. my computer will be virus free right? sorry.. im just getting really paranoid over this. someone reply. Oh n' admin, please close down the post in the graveyard forum.. its called uh... PKING IN DRAGON AND GUTHAN (MUST SEE) close that.. i dont want this to happen to anybody else. Thats all. thank you

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Well if you got keylogged on your desktop, then using your laptop should be fine (since it's a different computer). If you reformat, the keylogger will be gone, but it shouldn't be too hard to fix (the tech heads will be happy to help).


Retired tip.it moderator.

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