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Starting do no evil


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Hey i was wondering if anyone can tell me where i can find Leela to start the do no evil quest?


Most guides say that she should be north of the gaol in Draynor but she's not. I've also looked in the pyramid south of Uzer and in the Golems tunnel thing in Uzer but she isn't there?


The quest guide tells me i need to travel with her to Senlitens tomb but I can't find her?




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I'd suggest looking at the in-game quest guide (noticeboard>quests>do no evil) to see if a) You meet the requirements, because she should 100% be at the tomb if you've done missing my mummu (which I believe is a prerequisite) and b) where it says she will be, due to recent makeover of Prince Ali Rescue her location has likely been moved and crewbies with quest capes aren't able to magically discover this and/or check it if they have quest cape.


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