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Tip.It "Stranded" First group begun!


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*Stops before reaching edge of crash, just outside of the stench radius* Hmm, ah! *picks some nearby sweet-smelling flowers, hands them to Kayla* Here, smell through these, that should block the smell. *Grabs some larges sheets of metal, then drops them quickly* HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!








*waves hands at sides, shaking off the pain, then walks towards some cooler sheets, then pulls them aside* Ah, that's better. Hey, what's this? *examines a medium sized crate, then starts to drag that to camp, leaving the sheet metal behind* Ugh, heavy, ugh, almost there...

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I don't know, maybe its some cargo that got thrown on this flight by accident. I mean, if it can happen to luggage, why can't it happen to an unmarked box. Wait a minute, let me get the axe. *grabs axe, then starts chopping away at the lid* This should open it in no time!








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Almost done! *a large splintering noise rings out as the crate finally cracks open, revealing it's cargo: sleeping bags, trail mix bags, water bottles, and small fishing nets* Sweet! Looks like we got a box meant for a camping store! This defineately makes my day! *drags some sleeping bags to shelter, placing them inside, then fills the water bottles from the waterfall* This should last a while... Fish anyone? *tests the new nets, quickly catches a small fish*

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Don't worry, these nets are simple, I'll tech you. *pulls up net and removes 4 small fish and a medium fish* Here, use this net, I'll get another. *hands net to Kayla, gets another net, comes back to river's edge* Alright. All you have to do is hold it in the water like this *dips net into water, and holds it there* and wait about a minute or so, then pull it up and remove any fish. Then you try again to get more. *pulls up net, removes a couple wet leaves, and puts back into water* See? Easy!

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Goodnight then.








*Stays awake for awhile, looking up at the stars, and listening to the waterfall, wondering if she and the rest of her group will ever be rescued, or if she'll see her family again. Finally, she curls up in a sleeping bag and goes to sleep*

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*wakes up* hmm? oh. *quietly gets out of sleeping bag, and goes and relights a fire, trying not to wake up Kayla* Hmm, need fish. *goes and starts cooking the fish caught the day before* Hmm, I wonder if there is a way across the river. *grabs a fish, trail mix, and water bottle, and quietly calls Monkey, who comes and sits on shoulder* Come on, lets go explore. Oh, what if I'm not here when they wake up? I guess I should leave a note... *writes a note explaining where I went in sand near fire, then tosses a log on and walks along the river with Monkey*

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After about half-an-hour or so of walking, I still haven't found anything. Better head ba- What the?!? *spots a fallen log across river* Ah-ha! a crossing!








*Turns back towards camp and hurries back, arriving about another half an hour later*








I found a way across the river! There's a fallen log about half-an-hour or so away down that way, *points towards direction I came from* and it spans the river's width. We could see what's over there some time. Anyways, did I miss anything important?

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Wow! That's cool! Exploration time!!! :D








*Stands up*








No. You didn't miss anything important... All I did was play with the lock on the suitcase here, and ate some trail mix.








*Pets the moneky on his shoulder and then starts to walk*








Show me this crossing. :)

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Hey, what's that noise? It kinda sounds like a, a plane! *turns toward crash site and sees a plane heading towards island* Hey! A plane! A plane! *starts waving arms and such trying to get pilots attention, then feels a slight shake* Wha- WOAH! *falls to ground and is startled at sudden earthquake* AH! Earthquake! *trys to gain balance, but gets knocked down* Woah! Holy crap! Ugh! *eventually stays on ground to wait out the quake*












{Meanwhile, the small plane heading towards the island suddenly begins to jerk around, as if an invisible hand was shaking it. The plane suddenly begins to malfunction in ways no plane has acted before, and then hurtles towards the ground at blazing speeds. The plane then crashes near the original crash and re-ignites the dying flames around the wreckage. The earthquake stops as suddenly as it had started, and no surface damage to the island seems to have been done, but a new crash may prove to be interesting at the very least. Maybe the island is now able to cave in at points, or maybe it wasn't an earthquake of nature, but we don't know, and might not for a while...}

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im so happy with my new plane *flies around* hey look a fire! whats happening how can there be a earthquake in the air hey what, what i cant control the plain anymore and the control pannel is tripping whaaaa *crashes on the ground and blacks out*



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Job: Archeologist




Appereance: Flaming red hair, bloodred eyes




Personality:Short Fused




Reason: Flying east to see ancient Tombs of Egypt




Stuff with you:Trowel, Parchment Rolls (x2), Small Lump of Charcoal




Extra Skills: Cartography, Degree in Archeology








Major events:




Survives Jump








Current Character Relations:












Current status:




Partially Unconcious








Current Action(s):




Hacking out of ropes.



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Oh crap....what is happening???




From somewhere above, most likely the pilot's, saying "Oh no! Everyone, we are experiencing a...small..pro-oh! BOSH! We are all gonna crash and die!" I quickly grabbed the seat to use as a flotation device. The stewardess was frantically running around the plane. While she turned, I jumped....








That was the last a remember before getting captured by these Voodoo Freaks. Now Here I am. Tid to a large pole, slowly being turned opver a fire, using my Swiss Army Knife to hack my way through the ropes. Finally! They're cut and the Cannibals are asleep. Now to get through the jungle and off of this insane island!








I met a strange snake, he looks as though he has eaten an large egg. As I walked passed it it hissed loudly at me. I continued on...



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Gaah...Im still going, but I keep seing something...It looks like a gorilla, but twisted, like out of my nightmares. I must continue on...








Im insane...I know it...My defence is a bone that I keep swinging at trees...and...OH NHO! Th-the gorilla, its....coming...GGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
























Wha-what!? Im alive...and in a large cave....surrounded by...skulls. Lovely touch...Its coming back...better pretend to still bge unconcious...



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Name: Xarosen




Gender: Male




Age: N/A, old though




Job: Pilot of the smaller plane (although does not know how to fly, just that a hypontised pilot can't fly at all so....)




Appearence: Tall, slim, gray hair and eyes the size of tea cups(if you know what the deamon head master looks like)




Personality: cold exterior and even colder reception




Reason for being on the doomed plane: Is a hypontis that hypnotised the real pilot of the smaller plane and stuffed him in a crate at the back of the plane(fell out and he drown...accidently of course)




Three surviving items you brought: Pocket watch(in-scribed keeps time and hypnosis seperate(wind)), soler powered water filter/battery charger, latex gloves(and glasses but they are on his head so they dont really count)




Extra Info about character: was planning to use the plane to drop a flare over island 5 then land safely to capture the beast as he escaped once before.








Path finding-He has been there before and has a fairly good idea of what things look like and what is on the islands








Hypnosis- can hypnotis man or beast, {means that they are hypnotised while doing what they are doing}








Frosty- Cannot make friends and is going to go spare when he discovers people on the islands.












Pocket watch in-scribed 'keeps time and hypnosis seperate'




Soler powered water filter/battery charger




Latex gloves




Glasses (smashed but doesn't really need them to see, just read)




A bag saying 'Parachute, do not fill with other items'








Major events:




Jumps out of plane with a Parachute that is being used as his storage bag




Lands on the island nearly unharmed(breaks glasses)








Current Character Relations:




All: Frosty/ Unknown








Current status:




Not hungry








Annoyed some idoit has put his stuff in a parachute bag








Current Action(s):




Walking towards a cave

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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'Get out of the cockpit you twit can't you see we are already in enough trouble' The passanger goes and sits back down, swiging beer.




*yanks controls up down left right* but to no avail, the plane still is swirling randomly toward the islands and Xarosen *bails out








But alas if only so simple, the parachute is not actually a parachute, it is in fact a bag containing:




His Pocket watch that is in-scribed keeps time and hypnosis seperate




Soler powered water filter/battery charger




Latex gloves








He as you can imagine is thrilled to see that the he seems to be falling towards a great mass of brackal, this island will never cease to amaze him.








He lands rather heaverly but considering he has just drop a thousand odd feet he is unharmed and his inventory is fine although his glasses seem to have been thrown from his head and smashed nearby. *Which he collects of course*








From what he can remember though he is near a small cave that he used last time he was here, and from the postion of the sun relitive to the time on his watch *he sets off in an eastly direction*

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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