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Thanks jagex


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I wanted to come back to RS, but I realized my account was stolen... So I used my recovery questions to get a new password.








I got my account back and I was really happy, because the hacker paid for membership.








I realized a while after that the hacker could get my password back whenever he wanted as he have the paying informations of the form.I was able to get my account back with the security questions before, but now he changed them.








I sent a customer support message to jagex to stop my membership as quick as possible... but you know how slow they are, and the hacker will have enough time to delete the answer.








I tried to get my password back this morning (as he changed it like always) but he did change my recovery questions...








I seriously can't get my account back, because he subscribed for membership, and I COULDN'T cancel my subcription.








Seriously thats way too stupid... now the hacker is using my account and he talks to me every day, and I can't do a single thing to get my account back.
















Whered Ownz

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I go to school, you know... and I don't have so much time to go on Runescape




i just don't get on runescape that much anymore since i lost membership. but i still log on like 2 mins each week to make sure my pass or recovery questions isn't changed.

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Oh yes, I tried again with diffrent previous passwords and my query got accepted...








Now he will change it again and I won't be able to get it back...




Try keeping it as the password he set while you notify Jagex of the issue in a query. Play along like you don't know it either, so he won't feel the need to change them. That way Jagex will get this fixed before he has a chance to change anything.

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I actually have a similar story, not quite as extereme. I had my account stolen, and my recovery questions changed. But I sent in a recovery query with every previous password used on the account, and as much info about the account; like when I made it; as possible. After a few attempts I got it back. And by the way; if he is paying for membership on it, then as soon as you get the account back cancel the subscription via the 'cancel your subscription' button on the frontpage. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I'm pretty sure if you have access to your account you can cancel it immediatly.








By the way, send in the password recovery thing as 'Someone else knows my recovery questions'. If they believe you and change your password, then they will also reset your recovery questions; and you can set new ones which will appear in a week. In the meantime, the hacker can't get back in unless he finds out your new password because the recovery questions no longer are avalive for retrieving the account.

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How does he get it back?




If you change your password, he cannot enter your account unless he either gets it from JaGEx or you have spyware on your computer.




In the last case, download a program called "Hitman Pro" (use your favourite internet search engine). It downloads 10 different free antispyware programs and runs them all (warning: this takes a few hours).

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No, he doesn't get the account back with a keylogger.








There are some questions in the password recovery form that asks you for your paying informations, and he knows them as he paid on my account.








Thats an horrible way to hack, but hey, it worked...








I can normally play like before, except I can't access my bank for a big 5 days. And I live in the doubt that this hacker will get my account back some time.

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That sucks that he's changing your pass over and over, hopefully you'll get it back!








And that happened to me man. Except I never got my guy back. Right when the RS2 transfer items was stopped, I was about to give my account away to my pal. Before I gave him the pass, I decided against it, but wrote the pass down on a piece of paper. Dunno when, but whenever that friend came over, he found the paper, took it, and changed everything, the recovery words, pass, everything. I come back to the Runescape site about 4-6 months later, and find it's skills are a tad higher than when I left him. I looked for the piece of paper, but it was gone. I immediately called him, he confessed, said he was sorry, all that bs, but gave away my account! So after a few weeks of training my noob and sending querys, the account logs on, I yell at him, and he laughs. In the end, we raced to 90 combat (he was 80... one over what I left with) and I was like... 36. And I won, somehow, and much better than my old main. :D

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