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Still Kindness in RuneScape


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and those who just walked away...








I know its really fustrating, and sometimes people are just being impolite, but I introduced my freind to rs recently, and when I met her ingame, well to cut a long story short, she didnt know how to speak lol. So basically what Im saying is that sometimes people dont know how to type etc, or english may not be their first language, so dont jump to conclusions to fast. :wink:

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I love going onto F2P when I'm bored and dropping stuff that might be junk to me, but useful to another player or just showing new players the way around. I think it's a shame some people get so nasty on Runescape, when it comes down to it it is just a game, the gp, armour, stats etc mean nothing in the real world. It's a shame some people can't just enjoy it for the fun it was meant to be. :(


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I find a random noob who is asking for help. I help them, give them armor, and around 1k gp (a lot for new players), and then tell them to do the same for another noob when they get to be good players.

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I gave away a lot of iron and steel armor to newer players :wink:




But....there are always people that love to flame others like when I was training on my pure ranging account that I just started and someone decided to flame me for like 10 min. to get me to fight him and to show how rich he was b/c he had a emerald...lol

overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
Check me out on YouTube!

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I love being kind, its makes you feel all good about yourself. I gave myself a 'day of generosity' where i gave all of my stuff that i didn't need away. I also used to give a lot of free salmon and tuna away. OoC events like NAD (Newbie appreciation day) are great too.

Retired from Runescape and the OoC.


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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Something similar happend to me today:








I noticed a low leveled player asking if he could buy some other low leveled players "jewlery", a games necklace. The other player said to him, no noob or somthing thing along those lines. So anyway I got out a few games necklaces, strength ammys and def ammys and gave them to this guy, he tried to buy them for something like 50gp and 25 mind runes but I explained they were free.








About a minute later someone was doing a bank sale and I bought a few herbs off them. So I go and deposit them and a level 16 trades me, I accept and he puts up 6 unids herbs, and I put up 6k. He then declines and explains they are free for giving that other low leveled player free stuff.








There are still decent players around!

somone (who was actually lower lvled than me :shock: ) gave me 5k for free. I said thx, if only everyone on runescape was as nice as you. I traded him and gave him my magic ammy in a symbol of thanks. He accepted it then traded me one more final time giving me 10k for free resulting in 15k for free! He said is that enough? I told him there are noobs who need it more than I do.








But meh.....that was my kindness moment. :wink:

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Just happended!








I went into wildy just for kicks to try to Pk i saw a level 37 dude who was getting attacked by 3 level 20 guys so of course i lent a hand to him we eneded up killing all of them and shared the spoils (wasn't much). A couple of hours later he IM's me asking me to meet him at wizards tower i go there and there is like 2 level 90 dudes and him. They said that he was there little brother and thanked me for helping me they gave me 5k runes, gold, and a mith plate.








Like i said before do good deeds u never know what u get in return :D

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Guest AshKaYu

-Fight, and keep fighting, for that shall is the only thing that shall keep evil at bay.




J.K. Rowling.








I have seen people do nice things, especially at Lumbridge. Sometimes I give them free Iron sets, and they become nice players, and I follow the around(hidden), and you'd be suprised how nice people are when nice people get to them early.

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i think if you say hello to people and u talk politely, then "most" people will be the same back, however, everyone has moody days where they might snap then cause an argument.








and of course there are a lot of people who are all out for themselves

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The Nicest thing someone did for me (That weren't my friend) was I was pking and was lagging, they managed to kill me and when I got to bank I asked him if I could buy my stuff back, he sold it back to me cheaply because he knew I was lagging and it was unfair how I died.








I've done some kind things for people aswell, Found a glory in the abyss (With other stuff) and went to edge and soemone asked "who got my glory in the abyss" I gave it back, didn't even get a thank you :(








There was a level 70 I think in Thzaar caves wearing mith, asked him if he wanted better armour and gave him a rune set.








There was a low level in lumbridge, and asked me for help, I took him to the bank and gave him 100k and some spare stuff :)

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after i've reached my goals in runescape, i've promised myself to do something what someone else has done for me ...








when i was a lvl -3 character i met somone who gives some steel armours away. He gave it only to lvl 3-4 characters and realy, it helped me out !




and that's why as a sign of gratitude i'm going to do it the same as that person.








"This tree was planted by our grand-parents to suply us from delicious fruit, our job now is to maintain and plant another tree to suply our future grandchildrens from those delicous fruit."

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