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What happened to you when you first played Runescape?


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2years ago, I entered Runescape to see a person asking me to follow him. I did so and follwoed him to Al-karid where he smithed me full bronze. Then i trained on goblins and sold some arrows (25 bronze fro like 10gp).

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5 years ago, on muh main, people charged 1k for information! as a noob i didnt even know what k meant none the less had the money. Either way it took forever to get things done and i quit for at least a year. Now people went from greedy to jerks >-> prefer paying then getting scammed anyday, well no use hoping things will get better when they wont.

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first day i quit runescape since turtorial was hard lol. Then came back 1 week later and figured out how.
Which reminds me, it asked what kind of character you wanted, adventurer and stuff, dont remember their being a tutor, would of helped, seeing how i had to learn to fish from someone else years later.
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started acc... played 30 min for the tuturial...




getted at lumi, saw lvl 100+ runned away (was afright to get killed)




then i saw things i could atk (goblins)




died and lost my axe...




killed a lvl 5 goblin and getted a new one...




killed lots of goblins and colected 1000+ money and bought mith scimie...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I'll start earlier, and go further.








In grade 5, I saw some kids playing a game. I asked them what it was, they told me it was called Runescape. They gave me their usernames. I went home, and made an account. Neither were on for a while. I played for about half a week, got into the 20's or 30's, had some iron/steel mixup of armour.




One of them logged on one day, I met them somewhere and they gave me full black and 10k! It was incredible!




So then I continued playing, bla bla bla, got into the 80's or so, always f2p, then quit.




In the summer of grade 6-7 I came back and had to make a new account, as I forgot my old one's password. I couldn't get it back, as the recovery questions were something like, "Q: MASIFHIUA? A: jkhauifhuiauyr."




So I played again, got to the 80's again, and quit.




I came back right at the release of RS2, because my cousin told me about it. I made a new character again. I tried the new skills, got my character to about level 50, and left again, to play other games.




Last October, I came back (In grade 10 now), and remembered my password! :)




I mined and smithed mainly, I got 4k steel bars. I became a member, and made cannonballs, giving me the most money I ever had. :P




I played until about a week ago, got almost 1400 skill total, 93 combat, and just quit again. For good hopefully.








-I highly doubt anyone will read this-

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First all i did in rs was walk around folowing people-yes i was probably some kind of noob in those days-well i probably am now but thats not the point.




The first time I got killed was by trying to attack a unicorn, when i was lvl 3!




Then i started experimentin with mining.




I found some one who would give me 50k per 1k of iron i mined him.




I got alot of money this way.




And after weeks of trainin here i am :wink: .

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