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Soundproblems when recording.


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Yeah... uhm, I'm really bad at explaining, especially in English, so I've got a sample of my problem:
















I'm sorry for going around the censor on that one, so feel free to remove it if you feel it's necessary. It's an mp3, 283kb, obviously completely safe, since I'm a computer ignoramus.




Putfile's services aren't available atm. and I don't know any other upload sites where you can "listen" to the audio from the site (meaning, you don't have to download it.)








Anyway, yeah, my problem is pretty obvious, right? The sound goes (in lack of better words) dodgy after x-amount of time. In that one I had connected the computer straight from the amp, using a cable, and plugging it into the mic port on my laptop. I get the same result even if I'm using a mic, and place in infront of the amp.








I just think this is very weird, since it worked perfectly 4-5 months ago.








I have also tried it on another computer, and it's the same.








Umm, I don't know what else sort of information I can give you... - it's got a SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio soundcard.




If you have any questions, ask away!








Thanks in advance. :)












edit- forgot to say, I'm playing the exact same thing over and over again, if that's to any help.


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