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ha fun kinda high lvl cure to autos


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he he i have come up with an idea...if you cast tele other on soemone they stop what ever they are doing when the screen comes up...so to identify an auto all you have to do is simply cast it on them they will stop, most realy players will decline watch the suspected auto if he dosnt move and he doesnt teleport and he doesnt start doing his original activity he is most likly an auto or a lvl 3 who wood cut for hours got a rune axe, and are flipping out because runescape has in game pop ups now :lol: , eventually the suspected auto will log out if they are indeed autoing which will take care of them for a while.

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Or they could just turn accept aid onto off...








Why do I know this when I'm an f2p?


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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i though when you make accoutns aid is already turned off, so it really wouldnt work









Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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