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...Vector... UPDATED!!


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Well, I've just learnt how to do vectors, I mean almost in the correct way... lol








I was wondering if anwone here has some spare images, so I can train a bit, I cant find good images for vector :(








Oh yeah, rate my sig if you feel like, I know the quality isnt good, I'll fix it later, just saved in the wrong format! :roll:








The first one...












The second version... With text change and color change!












Thanks a lot!









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How about a sport car or something? I always love LP's viper sig that he done for Expert1212 and hoping to find another one. :P



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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How about a sport car or something? I always love LP's viper sig that he done for Expert1212 and hoping to find another one. :P




Oh man, I remember it soo well, when he made that, he was giving away, and I asked for, but Expert1212 got it! :( Lol... Yeah, sport cars! I'll try a couple... maybe a red viper.. Lol!








So tutorialized :/ And the text doesn't fit it at all




Yeah, 1st one always with tuts huh? :wink: The text, I like it, it feels like neon, any idea for a new one?









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Eh.. I like the neon feel, but the font your using just kills it :( Try out some different fonts perhaps? Lol and good luck if you plan on doing a car.. those take FOREVER and are hard as hell -.-




Yeah, I'll start trying fonts now, just picked up some new ones now...




Cars take forever! I saw a guy making a Mini Cooper, OMG, he took a life! But they always ends up really cool!!!









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The first one...












The second version... With text change and color change!












C/C plz?




And I found something easier to vectorize... BUILDINGS! They are faster, and I can practice...!









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I think a decent font like Arial or something will suit the entire image better. Just my two cents worth.



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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Ahh spooky I just came on PC to do a pixel of a orange sky (with a sun though) and black buildings/towers silhoutted infront :o!




Spooky! I cant do pixels tho... Lols... One day maybe... But building, sky and sun is a nice composition..!








I think a decent font like Arial or something will suit the entire image better. Just my two cents worth.




ARIAL? Just the standart one? Never thought about it... I'll try!









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