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Knees? Ears? ELBOWS?


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What really confuses me about the world of Runescape is the fact that none of the characters have any of the fine details we would expect on a normal human.








Knees, for example. How can you run without knees? Why do the armours have knee pads when there's nothing to fill them?








Ears, because although the characters have little flaps that appear whenever they're talking to somebody, they're totally flat and don't even look like ears.








Elbows, for without them you can't bend your arm and would break it




every time you tried to swing a pickaxe.








So why don't our characters have these fine details? Or a face, for that matter? Is it because Jagex lacks the code to describe these appendages? Could it be that an influx of several million knees could cause the servers to crash?

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