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Work in Progress.


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I decided to make a topic promoting my Work in progress. I've never actually used C/C from people while making a signature, so hopefully this increases it overall.




Here it is; workwipp1wh.png






Anything I can improve on? I think the jeans are a bit better, but I'm still not sure. Also, the shirt might be a bit off.






Thanks guys!


It really has

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The first one is the newest one, right?




You're right, the jeans look awesome. Problem I see is that his forearms are big and thick and brawny, but his bicep area and shoulders and torso are skinny. Either bulk him up (definitely make his shoulders wider than his abdomen), or thin down those arms. Thinner forearms might make wrists apparent, too.




Better than I could do, anyway :wink:

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i like it but i think that u shud add some fold on the clothes






Good call.




Some changes which will be made on my next edit:




Make the blood look better.


Shirt is ripped where he was stabbed.


Add some folds to his shirt.


Work on the other guy.


It really has

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