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Fun New Game To Play With Telemarketers!!!!!


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I haven't heard a telemarketer for ages. I think our phone is on a list of numbers that asks not to be phoned. Must work well.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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I had a great one who put me on speakerphone and just played along then put me on speakerphone while she went to find the phonebill she needed. She was obviously just standing around near the phone reading a book but it meant for five minutes we talked about her fav cocktails while she "looked for the bill". Good times




haha sounds like something my mum would do :D


if only it also involved her talking about her gambling habits, i would swear it was her! :lol:

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Lol man you guys are lame on hanging :P Its actually hilarious when they call here I don't answer their questions but just waste their time by saying "you have a lovely voice your so hot".




Just talk like you were calling a hot 18+ line and they'll get pissed and freak out lol. :lol: 8)



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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The only remotely funny thing i once did to a telemarketing person is this:




T=Female telemarketer






T:Hello! Am I speaking to the person who pays the phone bill in your house?








T Can you put them on then?




M: No!




T:Why not?




M: I don't know them.




T:Are you a friend or relative?








T:Who are you then?




M:I don't know! Who are you? You sound nice, can i get your number?








M: Why not?




T:because I don't want strangers calling me at home!




M: Like say... telemarketers?




T: Oh! Sorry! *Hangs up*

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Me: (answers the phone) Allo?


Them: Hello, is this Mrs. Zozo? (NOT my real last name)


Me: Allo? Qui etes-vous?


Them: Er, do you speak English?


Me: No, I am sorry. I not speak very English. I speak very French.




This is where they either hang up on me or get a French speaker. Let's say they got a translator (This has happened several times before!)...




Translator: Allo?


Me: Moshimoshi?


Translator: Euh, parlez-vous francais?


Me: Nani? Gomen nasai, furansugo ga hanashimasen yo!


Translator: (swears)




This is where the translator generally either hangs up or sets down the phone to yell at the original caller about not being able to tell French from Japanese.




Only once has it happened where they had a Japanese speaker, but this is how it went.




Them: Moshimoshi?



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Me: (answers the phone) Allo?


Them: Hello, is this Mrs. Zozo? (NOT my real last name)


Me: Allo? Qui etes-vous?


Them: Er, do you speak English?


Me: No, I am sorry. I not speak very English. I speak very French.




This is where they either hang up on me or get a French speaker. Let's say they got a translator (This has happened several times before!)...




Translator: Allo?


Me: Moshimoshi?


Translator: Euh, parlez-vous francais?


Me: Nani? Gomen nasai, furansugo ga hanashimasen yo!


Translator: (swears)




This is where the translator generally either hangs up or sets down the phone to yell at the original caller about not being able to tell French from Japanese.




Only once has it happened where they had a Japanese speaker, but this is how it went.




Them: Moshimoshi?



I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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Whatever they say, just insist that you want a pizza, or something like that.




Telemarketer: Hello, sir, I am offering to sell you a-




Me: I'd like a pizza please.




Telemarketer: No sir, I'm selling a-




Me: I'd like a pizza with pepperoni and extra cheese.




Telemarketer: Sir, I don't think you understand that-




Me: When will my pizza be here?




Telemarketer: Please, sir, just-




Me: Do you deliver to the moon?




Telemarketer: Do you want this amazing deal or-




Me: I want a pizza!




Never actually tried it, but it sounds fun.

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Whatever they say, just insist that you want a pizza, or something like that.




Telemarketer: Hello, sir, I am offering to sell you a-




Me: I'd like a pizza please.




Telemarketer: No sir, I'm selling a-




Me: I'd like a pizza with pepperoni and extra cheese.




Telemarketer: Sir, I don't think you understand that-




Me: When will my pizza be here?




Telemarketer: Please, sir, just-




Me: Do you deliver to the moon?




Telemarketer: Do you want this amazing deal or-




Me: I want a pizza!




Never actually tried it, but it sounds fun.


Yes it does, but not as much fun as messing with their minds with languages. 8)

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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I was a tele-interviewer for about six months back in high school. Same premise as telemarketers but we either give out free stuff or take nothing except opinions. The job was ok but they did some pretty "cruel" things such as take breaks before and after dinnertime (since more people are at home during dinner lol) and only called certain time zones during dinner (same reason lol). It didn't make any sense because the success rate during dinner hour was a tenth of the other times lol. The people who stayed on and didn't hang up got some pretty cool stuff sometimes. I have sent $340 checks out for 10 minute interviews, a free year of TIVO with all the hookups required (which was given about 18 months before TIVO was even heard of publicly), and tickets to people's local "professional" sports teams... but then again I have paid people $10 for a three hour interview and $0 for a 45 minute one as well lol. Here is some advice from a reformed "wrong-doer", lol:




1. Answer the first 2 or 3 questions. If they still want to talk to you they will spit out the offer. If it is something that you are interested in (cash or prizes) then continue.




2. They will LIE about the time required for two reasons. Firstly, they honestly don't know how long the interview will last because different answers open different threads of questions and secondly, they want it to seem short enough that you will do it.




3. 90% of anything that requires a "purchase" or a "credit card" is either a bad deal or a scam. Don't do it regardless of how good it sounds. We always sent out checks never direct deposit.




4. Don't be criminally abusive. Some of these people are on lines that cannot hang up which means they have to listen to whatever you are saying. Go ahead and have some fun if they got you at a bad time or they have a bad scam but do not say stuff like "I am going to hunt you down, **** your mom, then kill your dog and stash it in your cubicle." You can get criminal charges for threatening etc. even though they called you. I heard of a woman who broke down sobbing and the manager was her "father figure". He tracked the number etc. and encouraged her to press charges. Last I heard the guy got out of it but still had to go to court etc. Unless you are a real sicko though you probably won't cross that line, lol.




5. Don't send money to those stupid places that say they protect your number from telemarketers lol. I don't know how many times I have called places and they said "I am on a list, you can't call me!!!". Well guess what... they CAN and DO call those numbers lol. They just take the numbers and sell them to companies that MAKE those calls lol. I figured that out when I had 3 weeks straight of people who said that they were on the "Official Lousiana DO NOT CALL LIST". Don't get scammed there is only one list and it isn't that great (national one, google it).




6. If you do NOT want them to call back you HAVE to do BOTH of these two things:


1. Say "Please remove me from your calling list"




2. Say "Please put me on your DO NOT CALL list"


If you just hang up or don't say BOTH of those things they can legally call you back. I would suggest getting the company name and number first if you can. Write that down as well as the date and time of the call. If that same company calls back write that down and call a lawyer. :twisted: You can get a nice fat easy settlement in your pocket. It is expected that this happens and they factor in the expected settlements into the fee that they charge for the job. Enjoy the money guilt-free, hehe.




I personally enjoyed the people who tried messing with me. If they said stuff like the pizza thing I would just go with it lol and ask their toppings, cash or credit, etc lol. One time I went back and forth for 20 minutes about everything from food to the morality of politics with one older woman. It was hilarious... Oh and I got fired from that job for, and I quote, "having too much fun with prospective interviewees". It was damn fine cash while it lasted (11 bucks an hour weekends 9 an hour weekdays at age 16/17) and a ton of fun. I would do it again but never be a telemarketer because I am obnoxious not evil.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

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