hungryblader Posted March 26, 2006 Share Posted March 26, 2006 And it came to the warrior Hungryblader, a vision. He heard a voice, the low, wise voice of Saradomin, speaking to him. "Hungryblader, remember what you see, and write it for all to read, for it shall be the story of the end." So Hungryblader readied his paper and feather pen, and wrote what he saw. And it will come in the last days a great crusade. A 3-sided free-for-all battle. A large Saradominist army will fight a Zamorakian army, who are both fighting a Guthxian army. The entire wilderness will be littered with the remains and spoils of war. As the Saradominists attack, their mages casting, their archers shooting, and their warriors swinging their swords, they shalt win the war. And the balance of power will sway to Saradomin, and there will be great good among Runescape. However, the depleted Zamorakian remnants shall pray in their evil way to Zamorak, for a way to fight. And their shalt be a way. In the spirit of Balance, the infinitely neutral Guthix will be on Zamoraks side, for there is too much good in Runescape. And the Zamorakians will attack, with help from Guthix, and they shall massacare the Saradominists. However, in the great loss of life, for it is living things that give Guthix his power, that the constant death will drain Guthix. And he shall lose his neutrality, and, after helping Zamorak equal Saradomin, get carried away with his task, and become permanantly Zamorak's ally. He will dedicate himself to destruction. But the death he himself causes will drain his power ever so, and he will become a mere mortal. He will charge into battle, hoping to help at all, weilding Silverlight himself. And a Saradominist will take him on, and Guthix shall win. But this last loss of life will drain his power completely, and, since it is he who gives Silverlight it's power, Silverlight will crack at the first impact. Guthix will be an unamred mortal, killed in battle, where he shall suffer in the house of Zamorak and Iban forever. Without Guthix's help, the Zamorakians will lose much hope. They will finally summon the last chance. The dragons and demons and monsters and everything else shall descend from the north, and they shalt be powerful. But the prayers of the saradominist shalt once again prevail, and the dragons will be vanquished. And Zamorak will call the Tzok-jad from the firey depths, and they shalt also be powerful. And they shall destroy Varrok, Arugdone, and everything in between. But there will be hope. A young, strong warrior, wearing a cape of fire, will charge the tzok-jad. And the battle shalt be fierce. The cape-wearing mortal will win, but he shalt die of poisoning. And he will dwell in the house of Saradomin forever. And after that, when all but a few mortals remain of either side, there shalt be the climax of Runescape's existence. Zamorak and Iban will ascend from the depths of Hades, and Sardomin shall descend from the celestial kingdom. And they shall fight once again, even more viciously than the previous god wars of old. And the flames of Zamorak shalt engulf all but so very few of Saradomin's followers, and Saradomin shall defeat Iban after a three-day battle. As Zamorak brings down his evil flames upon his foes, Saradomin shall do one thing unheard of. He shalt summon the the fury of all of his slain followers, and his own, and bring down a greater fire, reminescent of the God Wars, once again. And the two great firestorms will engulf all of runescape, and the oceans shall boil, and the ground shalt melt into lava. And Saradomin will use his powers to protect his followers from the mighty flames. But Zamorak knows of no way to defeat his fire, for it is all he has ever known or fought with. All Zamorak knows in death, no protection. And the fire shall engulf his followers, and Saradomin shal confront Zamorak face-to-face. And the faithful Saradominists shalt swing their swords at Zamorak directly, and Zamorak shall be weakened, and the flames will vaporize him. And he shall fall into the place of tormenting he crealted himself, where he will suffer forever. And Saradomin's followers shall dwell in the celestial cities for eternity. "Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren... ...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Right ok... so basicly... what is the point of including that bit at the start about yourself. Also there are many other gods, Zaros for instance, and Guthix is not going to join forces with anyone because that would out balance it. The story did not really make that much sense and was not a revelation because we knew that Zamorak would be consumed by evil in the end because its the end to most films. It may be a good basic outline of a play or a film but its not really a story http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scruff636b Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 ok, heres a couple of notes: To Archimage_a: a: Zaros is technically dead and/or kept suspended in eternal sleep b: Agreement with the comment of out balance To Hungryblader a: improve your plotline and try to avoid oneshots unless they are chaptered b: Guthix almost never overdoes his job, and is unlikely to become evil c: please leave gaps between paragraphs d: I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT AT ALL! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Zaros is not technically anything, all we know for sure is that he is not there. Plus there are other gods besides him. And once and for all 'I am ARCHIMAGE' LOOK AT THE I ITS NOT THERE JUST FOR SHOW ITS LIKE MISSING OUT SOMEONES LAST NAME OR SOMETHING http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungryblader Posted March 27, 2006 Author Share Posted March 27, 2006 okay, look. You guys have told me that this story can't happen, because Guthix will not join forces with Zamorak. I DID find a way around that, but maybe, when I was trying to use that weird grammar, it didn't make sense. Let me explain. OK, guthix derives his powere from living things right? And this huge war is causing tons of death. More death=less life. Less life=less powereful Guthix. And with less power, he will lose his will, his self-control, his ability to stay neutral. And then, since he's helping Zamorak, (because Saradomin is causing too much good, and it's out of balance) and he has less power, he allows himself to get carried away with helping Zamorak. But that means he helps kill. Once again, more death=less powereful guthix. And he eventually becomes so drained of power that he's defeated. so that's how guthix loses his neutrality. "Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren... ...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 No no that not what we mean. Guthix is neutral. Period. Thats it. Its like humans, when we dont have enough air we lose control and will power(why we die). But we remain Human still. Guthix loses power his power, he loses self control and will power(causing him to balance the death with life). But he remains neutral. He can no more become evil than you could become a tomatoe. http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungryblader Posted March 27, 2006 Author Share Posted March 27, 2006 I'm guessing that you're a faithful follower of Guthix. And that is a good comparison, humans and tomaotes but even if humans can't change, neutrality is an Idea, not a physical form. I could turn from a Saradominist, promoter of good, to a zamorakian, but no, I can't become a tomato. Guthix simply changes his ideas and feelings, not his form. Hs weakened power makes it easier. Now I Myself, Hungryblader, am a follower of Saradomin first, and foremost. but, I may sometimes respect Guthix, and sometimes not. It depends on what he is doing. I will admit that he is better than Zamorak, but he will not always be, as the final chapter shows. But for now, I agree, he is powerful. "Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren... ...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 I am a follower of Zaros and only Zaros. But you do have a point neutrality is an idea. However you have failed to note that Guthix is formed of neutrality. A god can only exist(I am atheist) if it has 3 factors: A purpose A following A Aura An Aura is like a life force, without it the god cannot truely exist because it cannot have a purpose and therefore no following. A Aura is like air for a God. So as you can see without neutrality Guthix cannot exist. http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungryblader Posted March 27, 2006 Author Share Posted March 27, 2006 hmm. Well, without an aura, Guthix did lose power, qand become mortal. But it doesn't matter if you believe or not. I don't explect you to believe. You are a follower of Zaros, so you follow Zaros's teachings. This revelation is a teaching of Saradomin, if you noted during the biginning of the story. And, since you're a Zarosist, you don't believe in Saradominism, and since I'm a Sardominist, I don't agree with Zarosism. So neither of us have any hope of convincing the other anything unless one of us converts, and I sure as heck will not. "Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren... ...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 First its Zarosen, The Teachings of Zaros and not Zarosism. Guthix is a aura like all gods. He is there for a purpose not a meaning. http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungryblader Posted March 27, 2006 Author Share Posted March 27, 2006 well however you pronounce or spell it, Zarosen is a religon seprerate from my own. And I understand your Aura statement, I simply think that it works differently. Besides, This is all mythical. I am a Christian in real life. A strong one "Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren... ...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragoncmd Posted March 29, 2006 Share Posted March 29, 2006 The world of Gelinor is polytheistic, therefore think of the entire world as having one religion rather than a seperate on for each god. All people that believe in one god of Gelinor believe in all of the gods, they just do not support them all. That is a subtle but extremely important difference. Therefore, a Sardominist would not claim that Zaros does not exist, instead he would claim that the worship of Zaros is evil and Zaros is inferior. (This is all based on ancient Greek and Roman theology, and modern Hinduism) As for the Nature of Guthix, Guthix is above all a god of balance and nuetrality. If you look at the natural world, death is a part of life. The over growth of plants and animalscan harm the world just as much as the death of them. It is true that Guthix might have to actively oppose one of his brothers but in doing so he would not ally himself with the other. I do not know enough about the other gods to make a statement about them. Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.A Seal Clubber is me!A Oxygenarin is me!6*9=42 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 29, 2006 Share Posted March 29, 2006 Thats why I like you, make the most complex thing really simply. You are right but because this is a game world, instead of them being inferoir, they are simply someone to ague with. By adding guthix it explains why everything is in balance. http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragoncmd Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 Thats why I like you, make the most complex thing really simply. Um, if thats directed to me, thats either the best compliment or the worst insult I've ever recieved. I'm not quite sure which. Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.A Seal Clubber is me!A Oxygenarin is me!6*9=42 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 It can be taken either everything I say. The trick is to tell them stories that go nowhere I take this to mean that you should just say stuff that can mean anything... like 'maybe' or 'hmmmm' or 'Interesting, very interesting' http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragoncmd Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 and the reason I like you is that your almost as unpredictibly predictable as a certian book that I love. Oh and to both of you, try to keep real life religion out of this. (I'm agnostic with a twist of tao thrown in, but thats far over simplified but you don't want to hear my life story) Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.A Seal Clubber is me!A Oxygenarin is me!6*9=42 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 As someone once said Its better to believe in a god you can't see, than be offended by a god that you don't believe in Real life religon, is far too complex for us mere mortals to comprehend, but because of this lots of people make money out of doing nothing. I am reminded of one of Asopes(?) Fables A man worshiped an idol every day, it had belonged to his father and had bought him the greatest of luck. But now the son got the opposite, he got bad luck and lost everything except for the idol. Then one day he was so fed up that he hit the idol, the idol hit the floor and exploded, leaving behind a stream of gold coins. The moral of the story? Religon is a fase, designed to make priests rich They you go, believe or dont believe in the end it makes little difference. If you die and thats it either way you are dead. If you die and god judges you, then going to church every sunday makes little difference to his/her deision Sitting in church every sunday makes me as much a christain as standing in a garage makes me a car Lead a good life and your safe either way(unless god is false and the devil is the only real thing, in which case do what ever you want) http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragoncmd Posted April 1, 2006 Share Posted April 1, 2006 I have mixed feelings about that archimage. The last part is true as I well know. I go to a catholic mass once a month but noone in my family is catholic. Religon is a fase, designed to make priests rich isn't that a bit extreme? Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.A Seal Clubber is me!A Oxygenarin is me!6*9=42 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted April 1, 2006 Share Posted April 1, 2006 Dam you, you stole my disclaimer. :P I never said anything but it would make some sense. When you think about it, Christain law might have(at one point) been a stair way to heaven, but now It is only really gonna get you a whisker above those(like me) who don't believe. If you are a good christain fair enough but if you just follow what the church says... http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
threex4 Posted April 4, 2006 Share Posted April 4, 2006 both of you make quite good points in my personal opinion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungryblader Posted April 15, 2006 Author Share Posted April 15, 2006 look, Christainity is more than just going to church. This might sound weird, and you probably won't understand it, but, Christianity is about having a relationship with God. This is hard to explain, but, like, someone's life changes a lot when they accept Jesus. It's not about going to a building, its about worshipping God, and serving what he wants. Now, when I wrote that story, I didn't want it to become a religous discussion. I thought talking about the RS gods was kind of fun. (And that fable about the idol, and the making priests rich, couldn't be further from the truth. I was absolutely infuriated to read that.) "Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren... ...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archimage_a Posted April 17, 2006 Share Posted April 17, 2006 I am very sorry to hear that. I also do understand that the church is indeeed a source of alot of good things, but it is very difficult for me to believe something that has: Been stolen from about every other religion Been changed over the last 2000 years more than any other mainstream religion Im not saying that christanity is a bad thing, what im saying is that its not the whole truth. If you think about it from a non-believer's point of view then it is very differcult to see why we should actually do half the things that most christains do. From the bible here: So when you give something to a needy person do not make a big show of it, as hypocites do in the houses of worship and on the streets Dont go to church and worship god, he is all around you, what you do in privte is special between you and god. Do not judge others, so that god will not judge you, for god will judge you in the same way as you judge others Do not say that 'Pagans' Worship false gods, Pagans may not believe the say but chrisanity has turn much of world against them. If that is not a form of racism then I don't know what is. Christan's spread the word of god, but what of the Devil, the horned god of Somthing(Its either war or sex) worshiped in the Pagan circles. Not everyone that calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do. When Judgement Day comes, many will say to me 'Lord, Lord!' In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many deamons and performed many miracles!' Then I will say to them, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you wiked people!' You must actually believe those that come bearing gifts must know truth. If they do not then the gifts mean nothing. Early christanity, took out most of the gospels. This was because they wanted christ to seem divine not as a mortal. It is very differcult for me to trust something that changed so much. I don't know if I believe in God, but I am sure of one thing. It doesn't matter if you go to church or not, if you help others or not, if you believe or not. Its about you being the best person you can be, trying to live without sin(Sex is not a sin, although I'm not saying you should do it alot), helping those who NEED help, not those that WANT help. Any way is this story gonna start? http://www.uzzisoft..../archimage.jpegWell I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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